Tag Archives: M.J. Schiller

Leap into the Knight with M.J. Schiller

A brand new release from the wonderful M.J. Schiller:




Blurb ~

Sir Darius Lee is a Knight of the High Order.

But when Darius discovers a stranger in his room in the middle of the night, and the intruder turns out to be a beautiful woman, he begins to question how he is meant to live his life.

Princess Megan of Bethyea is being held captive.

But when two knights help her to escape and bring her back to her home planet, she finds the home she knew no longer exists.

When The Council of Twelve questions Darius about his relationship with Maggie, she tries to flee from The Academy of the High Order to prevent him from losing his knighthood.

Will Darius and Orion find Maggie before she leaves Albion? And if they do, how can they face the decision of The Council? And what about the feelings Orion has developed for the princess?



Excerpt ~


                Darius Lee sat up in bed and listened to the darkness. What interrupted his sleep and caused him to become so fully awake? Several seconds elapsed while he held his breath and waited, but he heard no noise. Still, he was aware someone else was in the suite he shared with his young novice, Orion Quinn. He closed his eyes and tuned into his Spirit Within in order to get a feel for his current level of danger. He sensed at once the outside presence he felt in the room was not threatening. Despite that, he knew something must be amiss for a stranger to enter their rooms unannounced in the middle of the night. 

                He had been uneasy since he and Orion landed here on Faador on their latest mission. It all started when The Academy of The High Order, where Darius gained his knighthood, received a transmission from an older man dressed in uniform. The man stated Faador’s leader, Justin Filithy, held captive a woman, a princess, from another planet. Little was known about Filithy other than he had some questionable dealings with slave traders. Details of the princess’s abduction were sketchy too, as the communication was cut short. The Order sent Orion and him to quietly investigate any wrong doing under the guise of a routine security check. Yet, ever since they arrived, the leader was occupied elsewhere. In fact, the whole place was crawling with guards and he surmised they were under a high alert of some kind, but no one provided any information. A trio of soldiers stuck them in this suite and promised a meeting with Filithy the next day. He was annoyed by the delay, but since they arrived on the planet late in the afternoon it seemed reasonable to wait until morning.

                He slid out from underneath his lightweight bedcover without making a sound and grabbed his clothes, which were lying on a chair beside the bed. He slipped his head through the opening in the loose-fitting shirt, but left it untied at the neck, glancing at his laser-sword leaning against the nightstand. He decided to leave it. No need to scare anyone off if they meant no harm. He would simply have to use caution. 

                Darius reached the door and thankfully it slid open across its tracks without the usual high-pitched hydraulic hiss. He made out a figure standing in the open doorway to the room where his novice slept. The interloper was dressed in the same slightly puffy white uniform of the guards who they’d seen in abundance ever since they arrived. He was amused at first by the fleeting thought that they resembled marshmallows. Now as he watched the shadowy form, he was curious. What reason would anyone have to steal into their rooms like this? The guard wore a white helmet as the others had, with a tinted visor which could conceal the entire face. This visor, however, was open. Darius could see it flipped on top of the helmet, no doubt so the guard could see in the dim lighting. He wondered why the sight of this stranger gazing at Orion, who was lying completely unaware and vulnerable, didn’t alarm him more. But again, something told him the intruder was frightened, even desperate, but not a threat. 

                His training taught him how to enter the room without a sound, but the stranger seemed to detect his presence, darting to the left toward the door leading to the outer hallway. Darius took several steps before launching his six-foot-four-inch frame, timing his tackle perfectly. He wrapped his arms around the fleeing legs, bringing both parties down heavily. On contact the stranger’s helmet flew off and skittered across the dura-tile by the entryway. The guard twisted around to try to fight him off, while Darius sought to pin his shoulders to the ground. To his immense surprise he found himself staring into the face of a beautiful, terrified young woman. Long, wavy blonde hair fanned out on the floor as she struggled to free herself from his grasp. Their gazes locked and he drew his breath in a rush. Hers were the eyes of the hunted, wide and intensely blue-green. The oddest sensation came over him, as if, in that one look, an invisible hand reached into him and somehow tied him to this unknown woman. At the same time it was like the connection had been there all his life, an answer to a question he never knew to ask.

                “I’m not going to hurt you,” he whispered to calm her. Surprisingly she stilled, searching his face as if to determine something there about him. “If I let you up, do you promise to stay here and answer a few questions for me?” 

                She hesitated.

                “I will not harm you.” He dipped his head to better catch those eyes. “Trust me.”

                Something in the way he said it seemed to convince her, and she nodded slowly. He released her arms and moved to the side. He sensed she was still tensed to flee if necessary, but for the moment, she decided to place her trust in him.


                Her heart was racing madly. What was she doing? She should run. She should run as fast as she could, or at least search about the room for a way out.

She sensed him there behind her, though she heard no sound. Her immediate instinct was to flee, as well it should be. After all, she was on the run from a half dozen guards. It was only by ducking into this room a few moments ago that she avoided capture. In spite of all that, she now sat on a couch with the man. It was totally incomprehensible to her, trusting him. She learned the costly lesson of trusting in the goodness of men long ago. But when she scrutinized his face as he peered at her on the floor, she had been filled with an unfathomable sense of calm. It was the most bizarre feeling. All logic, all of her past experiences said to get out as swiftly as possible. But here she was, sitting next to this man as if it was teatime and not the middle of the night in a room where he discovered her hiding. She guessed him to be five or six years older than she. His face was strong, but kind, almost noble, and his deep, dark eyes were compassionate, with a hint of wisdom. It was the kind of face one could trust.

                “Now,” he began slowly, ”why don’t you tell me exactly what you’re doing here?”

                She was saved from figuring out an answer for his question by a young man who came barreling out of the door behind him. He brandished a laser-sword, yelling as he entered, “Master! I’m here!” The suddenness of the action startled them both.

                The man turned slightly to say, “Orion, deactivate your weapon,” and that was all she needed. Her fear returned and catapulted her off the couch and toward the door. She hit the keypad with a force that sent a shock wave rippling up her arm, and was on the other side as soon as it opened wide enough to allow her small frame through. Once on the opposite side, she started pounding on the keypad there, and was able to effectively disable the door for a moment, enough time to search the hallway for a path of escape.

Buy at Amazon  Only 2.99

Find MJ here:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/MJ-Schiller-Romance-Author/286382241460365?ref=hl

Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/mjschiller/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/mjschiller

Tumblr: http://mjschilz.tumblr.com/

Instagram: http://instagram.com/mjschiller

Google + : https://plus.google.com/u/0/110797684036386240402/posts



Bio ~

MJ is a lunch lady in the heart of Central Illinois. My gosh! Can you get more folksy than that? She met her husband at the University of Missouri-Columbia and now she has a nineteen-year-old (how did that happen?) and seventeen year old triplets! She loves to read, karaoke (where she can pretend she is a rock star) and spends WAY too much time on Facebook. She grew up in St. Louis and still has family there.


Filed under Entertainment, For Writers

M.J. Schiller Shares What She Knows About Ireland and Her New Release, DAMAGE DONE

Write what you know, they tell me. And you can find pieces of me in all of my books. My marriage proposal? See UPON A MIDNIGHT CLEAR.  That bike jump over the creek my brother did when I was eight? HOMETOWN HEARTACHE, coming next year. And every one of Heath’s ex-girlfriend’s in BETWEEN ROCK AND A HARD PLACE is my bestfriend, Kelly. She also has a prominent role in a few of my other books.  So what parts of me pop up in my newest release, DAMAGE DONE? My trip to Ireland, of course!

In 2003 I was lucky enough to go to Ireland with my big sister, my mom, and her friend, Joanne. We flew into Shannon airport and headed straight to our bed & breakfast. We were exhausted from the flight as even I—who can usually nap anywhere, anytime—was unable to sleep on the plane. The b&b’s owner, who was cutting her husband’s hair in the kitchen when we arrived, shooed us off, warning us that jet lag would “be the death of us” if we so much as closed our eyes. So we were off to Bunratty Castle and Durty Nelley’s, a pub. We had a traditional Irish dinner at the castle and were entertained by Irish dancers. The next day we did the obligatory visit to Blarney Castle and kissed the great stone. (Which is a terrifying experience, for those who haven’t done it. You lie down and bend backward, scootching until your rump is off the castle stone, hanging out in thin air, with no one holding your legs, stories up. I still can’t believe I did it!)

From there we headed to what was to become our home base of sorts, our cottage on the Old Head of Kinsale, where a great deal of the action takes place in DAMAGE DONE. There is a grotto there, as described in the book, and a church and store. Hurley’s which soon became “our pub,” is what Tad McGregor’s pub in the book is based on, although Tad’s place is different in a number of ways. Our hero Michael and heroine Tess run off to Cork together, one of the next stops on our 2003 trip. I used what I could from my memories, and did some research for the rest. Some of the characters’ names are from my own family tree.

Here are some photos from our trip…

IrelandbeautifulwindowsinBunratty IrelandBunrattycastlefromstreet  

       Beautiful windows in Bunratty Castle                                    Bunratty Castle




IrelandDurtyNelly's IrelandHurley's 

                                                                                         Our pub, Hurley’s

IrelandKinsale KinsaleIrelandlighthouseatOldHead Lighthouse on Old Head of KinsaleIrelandourcottageonOldHead Our cottage on the Old Head of Kinsale

Irelandpanoramicscene IrelandpartofBlarneyCastle 

                                                                                Tower near Blarney Castle


Much of the story is from my own twisted imagination, though.  🙂  I’ve never seen a lighthouse home such as Teddy and Gabby share, and don’t know where that came from. I’ve never made a sand octopus or stolen groceries from the back of a pickup truck. I’ve never even taken a bike ride like Sean and Gabby do, but I’d like to think I captured a taste of what it would be like. From where I stand, a little mishmash of fact and fiction makes for a good story. So here’s a blurb and excerpt from DAMAGE DONE. I hope you enjoy it!


Blurb ~

When an unhappy youth leaves him damaged, will Teddy Mckee be able to find love?

“Teddy Passmore McKee was born in Cork, Ireland, with a limp and a chip on his shoulder that threw his balance off all the more.” When he falls in love with the dark haired beauty born of an Irish father and a Spanish mother, will Gabrielle Quinn be able to restore his balance? And what about the charming Sean Hennessey? When Gabby catches his eye, too, will Teddy’s playboy best friend cause his own damage?

Fourteen years later, will Teddy and Gabrielle’s son be able to overcome the damage done to him in his childhood?

“Even through bloodshot eyes he could see she was different.”  But can Michael leave behind the bottle, and his womanizing ways, to win over the lovely Tess Flanagan? Tess has sustained some damage of her own. Can she and Michael overcome the terrors of the past and learn how to love each other?

And if they do, will they be able to elude those after them who want to create their own damage?

On the run after an altercation leaves their boss in a pool of blood, will Michael and Tess be able to stay one step ahead of their pursuers? Or is it simply too late to correct the damage that has been done?


Excerpt ~

“Tessie…” He offered again. “We have to get out of here.”

She remained frozen in her spot, staring blindly over the cliff. He moved a step closer and gently grasped her elbow. “Tess—”

She whirled around and his heart caught in his chest as he stared into her wild green eyes. Tears shone on her damp cheeks, glimmering in the moonlight like trails of scattered diamonds. “Nay, Michael,” she said, her words coming out choked. “I have to tell them the truth. It’s my fault. …I k-killed him.” She sobbed.

He looked at her sadly, begging her, “Let me help you.”

The back door creaked open and light spilled out from the bar across the grass, startling them. He saw Jimmy Flynn’s outline in the doorway. “They’re out here!” he yelled.

Without waiting for a response, Michael took Tess’s arm and steered her along the cliff’s edge. He stepped over the railing and helped her to the other side as well. They stood on a narrow ledge. To the left a trail dropped off toward the sea. He led her skittering down the path, loose rock pebbling the beach far below. He had taken the pathway many a night when he was drunk and feeling particularly reckless. Tonight he hurried over it with only self-preservation and Tess’s safety in mind.

They heard voices above them, coming from every direction as searchers fanned out along the top of the cliff. Their eyes met. They hardly dared to breathe. A flashlight beam ventured over the railing and along the cliff face. She clutched his hand, squeezing it until he lost feeling in his fingers. He tried to flatten himself even more tightly against the rock face, wishing it would somehow melt and absorb them. Several seconds passed and the beam of light was joined by another, and another, each swinging away, and then toward them again.

He grabbed a quick look at the churning sea below then closed his eyes for a second, and his stomach dropped. He took a deep breath before turning his head to look at Tess. Her eyes were closed and her lips were moving fervently, but she emitted no sound. He swallowed, wondering again why the sight of her affected him so. After several minutes a voice called out, “You won’t get away with this, Mikey.” Had someone seen them? He heard Jimmy Flynn mutter, “Wherever they are, we won’t find them tonight.” One by one the lights disappeared until only a solitary beam shone.


Author Bio ~

MJ is a lunch lady in the heart of Central Illinois. My gosh! Can you get more folksy than that? She met her husband at the University of Missouri-Columbia and now she has a nineteen-year-old (how did that happen?) and seventeen year old triplets! She loves to read, karaoke (where she can pretend she is a rock star) and spends WAY too much time on Facebook. She grew up in St. Louis and still has family there.

Links ~

You can find M.J. at:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/MJ-Schiller-Romance-Author/286382241460365?ref=hl

Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/mjschiller/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/mjschiller

Tumblr: http://mjschilz.tumblr.com/

Instagram: http://instagram.com/mjschiller

Google + : https://plus.google.com/u/0/110797684036386240402/posts

You can find DAMAGE DONE at:

Amazon:  http://amzn.com/B00LU7719K

Barnes & Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/damage-done-mj-schiller/1119955011?ean=2940149795697

Kobo: http://store.kobobooks.com/en-US/ebook/damage-done-1

iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/id899251690

And for a limited time ~ you can get THE HEART TEACHES BEST, the first book I put out in the REAL ROMANCE COLLECTION, for free! Download your copy here:



Barnes and Noble : http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-heart-teaches-best-mj-schiller/1118627507?ean=2940148212386

Kobo : http://store.kobobooks.com/en-US/ebook/the-heart-teaches-best-1

iTunes : https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/heart-teaches-best-real-romance/id825996257?mt=11








Filed under Entertainment, For Writers

Wednesday’s Want, Wed, Waste: TV Doctors

Hello and welcome to my version of the game, ‘F*@#’, Marry, Kill. This week we are WWW’ing doctors from TV shows.

Myself and some of my friends are sharing our Want, Wed, and Waste choices from this week’s list:

Jack Shephard from Lost, Dr. House from House, Hawkeye from M*A*S*H

jack-lost Dr-Gregory-House-dr-gregory-house-31945732-375-500 hawkeye pierce mash an amusing little vintage

Click on book titles below to learn more and to be taken to a buy link


Me (Alicia Dean). Author of DEATH NOTICE – A killer is using her obituary column to forecast his kills. 

Want: Jack Shephard. Although he wasn’t as hot as Sawyer, I found him very, very sexy, and I actually wanted him and Kate together. I guess we don’t always get what we want, right?

Wed: Hawkeye, I suppose, although I never could get into MASH. But, I do love a sarcastic, wise cracking soldier/doctor. And, I thought it was pretty cool, the little bit I saw of it, when he and Hotlips sort of had a thing brewing. I like the whole love/hate thing.

Waste: Dr. House. I thought more people liked him than they do, but if I’m not mistaken, we all want to waste him. I couldn’t get into the show, didn’t find him attractive at all, although with his real British accent, he was a lot more do-able.  


Jannine Gallant, author of We’ll Never Tell, small town romantic suspense ON SALE now through Friday for only for .99¢!

Want: Dr. Jack Shephard—he’s hot in a guy next door sort of way. Okay, the one I really WANT from Lost is Sawyer. Oh baby! Dr. Jack is just the next best thing.

Wed: Hawkeye—what’s not to love? He was a great guy—sweet, funny, dedicated. Okay, maybe not the most handsome one in the bunch, but I refuse to waste Hawkeye!

Waste: House—the guy’s a jerk. Leaves me cold. Enough said.


M.J. Schiller, author of THE HEART TEACHES BEST Murder could be her final lesson.  – Website: www.mjschillerauthor.blogspot.com

M.J. is giving away a free ebook of The Heart Teaches Best to one lucky commenter!

Want: Dr. Jack Shephard, Matthew Fox is a hottie! (But to be honest, I’d rather have Sawyer from Lost ~ he’s got that whole bad boy thing going for him!)

Wed: Hawkeye. He’d just be so much fun to hang with! 

Waste: House, he’s just too dark for me. I’m not big on heavy sarcasm. Light sarcasm I can do, but don’t want it edgy.


Diane Burton, author of ONE RED SHOE  Wannabe writer rescues wounded spy while risking her heart. Website:  www.dianeburton.com

Want & Wed: Dr. Jack Shephard. Hot. Take charge guy, dependable.

Waste: Both House & Hawkeye. House. He is so sarcastic. His dependence on pain killers is understandable, but not his method of getting them. Hawkeye: too little boy cute; practical joker (which isn’t all that bad). I just can’t see wanting or wedding him.


SILVER JAMES, author of BLOOD MOON – MOONSTRUCK 1 (Warning: Pursue an alpha Wolf at your own risk. Hot sex, bad words, and action of the blood and guts kind will ensue.), BLOOD MOON and all the books in the Moonstruck series are on sale this week. Website: www.silverjames.com 

Want: Dr. Jack Shephard. He’s gorgeous and more than ready to perform mouth-to-mouth.

Wed: House. I’m old. He’ll fix me. And we’ll be curmudgeonly together.

Waste: Hawkeye. Had to waste someone and I was more a Col. Potter fan. I know. No accounting for my tastes!


Now we’d like to hear from you….which of these sexy tv doctors would you Want, Wed, and Waste?

Thanks for playing!


Filed under Entertainment, For Writers

Wednesday’s Want, Wed, Waste: Characters from TV Ads

Hello and welcome to my version of the game, ‘F*@#’, Marry, Kill. This week we are WWW’ing characters from television commercials.

Myself and some of my friends are sharing our Want, Wed, and Waste choices from this week’s list:

The Brawny Man, Green Giant, Mr. Clean,

(Yes, you read that correctly ;))

brawny-man2 jolly-green-giant mrclean_circle-11

(and just in case your picturing the 70’s, porn star Brawny look:)


Click on book titles below to learn more and to be taken to a buy link


Me (Alicia Dean). Author of DEATH NOTICE – A killer is using her obituary column to forecast his kills. 

Want: Jolly Green Giant. Well, I love vegetables, he’s jolly, and he’s giant, so I’m sure he’d be a blast to hang out with…and tons of fun in the sack.

Wed: Mr. Clean – I’m sure he’d clean my house, and that makes him win for husband material, hands down.  I can’t think of another reason why I would even need a husband, so he may be my ultimate fantasy man now that I think about it.

Waste: Brawny Man. He’s too outdoorsy, and I’m an inside kind of gal. I want to just chill inside, in my clean house, after I’ve had a romp with JGG (That’s my nickname for my lover, Jolly Green Giant).


Kae Elle Wheeler, http://kathylwheeler.com The Wronged Princess – book i,  new and revised! 

Want: The Brawny Man is strong, outdoorsy. But does he clean house? 

Wed: Mr. Clean is hot. And Clean. I could do him. Plus, he cleans house. He’s a keeper.

Waste: The Green Giant, is green and I hate peas. That’s what I think of. Have to waste him.


Juli D. Revezzo,  author of  Drawing Down the ShadesBusiness can be hell… Website: http://julidrevezzo.com/

I’ll take the Brawny man for the win…Errr, I mean the Want, Mr. Clean for the Wed (because, hey, he’ll clean my house!) and the …oh, shoot. Do I have to waste the Green Giant? Okay, we’ll use him for fertilizer in the garden. 😉


Layla Chase is one of the contributing authors to Cowboy Heat, an erotic anthology of cowboy-themed short stories, released by Cleis Press.    www.laylachase.com

Want—The Brawny Man—who doesn’t love a man in plaid flannel? I spent 3 years in Oregon and saw lots of plaid flannel shirts and even attended a lumberjack competition on July 4th and rain fell!

Wed—The Jolly Green Giant—I picked him as husband material because with all his contacts with the growers, he’d be a good provider.

Waste—Mr. Clean—shaved heads are just not my thing. I fail to see how this style is sexy at all.


SILVER JAMES, author of THAT OL’ BLACK MAGIC (Werewolves, Fae, and Dragons, oh my! What’s Sade Marquis, a human FBI agent, to do? Solve the crime, of course.), BOOK LINK: ), Website: http://www.silverjames.com 

Want: The Brawny Man. I mean, who doesn’t love a man in flannel with muscles? And he’s a lumberjack. He knows how to take care of his wood.

Wed: Mr. Clean. Hellooooo! The man does housework! What’s not to love? Plus, I think he’s way sexy. (PS, I happen to know his human model — a Norman fireman. *nods* Really!)

Waste: The Green Giant. Okay, size might matter but the dude is green! He clashes with my decor. And I’m not big on veggies.


M.J. Schiller, author of THE HEART TEACHES BEST, Website: 


Want: Mr. Clean- he’s muscular and has an attractive self-confidence. You can tell by the way he stands there with his arms crossed. But I HATE cleaning, so I wouldn’t keep him around long.

Wed: The Brawny Man- I always thought he was hot. Kind of in a Tom Selleck way. Plus, if we needed firewood, he’d be all over that.

Waste: The Jolly Green Giant- I’m not big on vegetables.


Now we’d like to hear from you….which of these Hunky Ad Men would you Want, Wed, and Waste?

Thanks for playing!


Filed under Entertainment, For Writers

Wednesday’s Want, Wed, Waste: Batmen

Hello and welcome to my version of the game, ‘F*@#’, Marry, Kill. This week we are WWW’ing actors who have played Batman.

Myself and some of my friends are sharing our Want, Wed, and Waste choices from this week’s list:

Adam West, Christian Bale, Michael Keaton

adamwest the_dark_knight_rises_5 keaton

Click on book titles below to learn more and to be taken to a buy link


Me (Alicia Dean). Author of KILLER LOVE – Boxed Set of Four Romantic Suspense titles ON SALE for 99¢ – Nothing to Fear, Truly Madly, Poetic Injustice, and Tears of the Wounded

Want: Michael Keaton – He’s attractive and, in addition to the Batman role, I’ve seen him in a lot of movies that I loved. He’s not the sexiest guy in the world, but he’s the sexiest guy on the list. 🙂

Wed: Adam West – Okay, mainly because it was between him and Christian Bale, and I am not the least attracted to Christian Bale. Adam West was the original (as far as I know), and I love the classics. I think it’s cute the way they did the bam, pow, stuff. The thought of Adam West as Batman takes me back to a simpler time. However, his role on Family Guy kind of spoils the image.

Waste: Christian Bale – He just doesn’t do it for me. I don’t find him attractive in the least, and his Batman voice in the Dark Knight movies annoyed me. If it weren’t for the villains of the Dark Knight movies (Mainly Heath Ledger and Tom Hardy), I probably wouldn’t have liked the movies at all.


M.J. Schiller, author of TRAPPED UNDER ICECan love break the hold of this rock star’s past?  NOW FREE! Website: www.mjschillerauthor.blogspot.com

Want: Christian Bale. I’m not particularly attracted to him, but with that temper of his comes passion and a one night stand might be a lot of fun. Definitely wouldn’t want a relationship that lasted longer than that.

Wed: Michael Keaton. So. much. fun! We’d have a blast together!

Waste: Adam West. Too stiff to be much fun, in or out of the bedroom. Just sayin’.


Diane Burton, author of ONE RED SHOE (wannabe writer rescues wounded spy while risking her heart). Buy link:    Website:  www.dianeburton.com

Want & Wed: Christian Bale. What a hottie! The ultimate bad boy, brooding, wounded, and oh so sexy.

Waste: Definitely Adam West. So goofy. The whole show was goofy. Camp was in then and Batman was definitely campy.

Undecided: Michael Keaton. I’ve never seen him as a hero. More like a sidekick. He doesn’t do anything for me.


Nancy Fraser, author of A Saved WomanShe was used merchandise, stale bread. How could she hope for the love of a good man?

Want: Christian Bale. I mean, just look at him! He’s sexy, moody, and does that ‘dark knight’ thing perfectly. I wouldn’t mind seeing what he’s hiding under that utility belt!

Wed: Michael Keaton. He also brought a brooding, tortured soul to the part. However, I’ve also loved him in situation comedy and in family roles. He seems reliable, steadfast, and honorable.

Waste: Adam West. When I picture Adam as Batman, all I can see are the cartoon word balloons. POW! WHAM! Definitely not conducive to intimacy. Plus, the costume was just too baggy to hint at anything worth looking at!


Nora Snowdon, author of The French ResolutionCan a philanthropist and a corporate raider find true love against all odds?

Want: Adam West –He’d be a campy fling with lots of laughs and easy enough to let go of afterwards.

Wed: Michael Keaton as he can be both humorous and the dark and brooding type (sort of one-stop shopping for all your heroic needs!)  he also seems like someone you’d need many years to just begin to understand–and I like puzzles.

Waste: Christian Bale. I just can’t get past what a hot-tempered jerk he seems to be in real life.  And I’m not a fan of actors who take the craft too seriously. Get over yourself, it ain’t brain surgery…


Now we’d like to hear from you….which of these Caped Crusaders would you Want, Wed, and Waste?

Thanks for playing!


Filed under Entertainment, For Writers

Wednesday’s (Thursday’s) Want, Wed, Waste: Supernatural TV Hunks

Hello and welcome to my version of the game, ‘F*@#’, Marry, Kill. This week we are WWW’ing the hot guys from CW’s Supernatural.

Myself and some of my friends are sharing our Want, Wed, and Waste choices from this week’s list:

Misha Collins as Castiel – Jared Padalecki as Sam Winchester – Jensen Ackles as Dean Winchester

Castiel-supernatural-11437943-1600-1000 sam Dean


Click on book titles below to learn more and to be taken to a buy link


Me (Alicia Dean). Author of DEATH NOTICE (Northland Crime Chronicles, Book 1)  – A killer has something to say, and he’s using her obituary column to get his point across…

(I don’t watch this show, so I’m going to go by my impressions)

Want: Jensen Ackles -He’s a hottie, for sure, but he seems to have an attitude that would be hard to take on a regular basis. (The actor, not the character). I’m not sure why I get that vibe, but I do. So, I would have to ‘want’ him then toss him.

Wed: Misha Collins – There’s something very sexy about him. I’m really drawn to him even though I’ve never seen him in action. And, come on, how cool would it be to marry an angel? .

Waste: Jared whats-his-name – You are outta here! Something about him rubs me the wrong way. He’s not as hot as everyone lets on and I don’t like his stringy hair, especially when it’s down in his face. How many enemies did I just make? 🙂


M.J. Schiller, author of THE HEART TEACHES BEST Murder may be her final lesson. Website: www.mjschillerauthor.blogspot.com

M.J. is offering a free ebook of The Heart Teaches Best to one lucky commenter!

Want: All of them! But if I have to pick, Sam (Jared Padalecki). “Moose,” as they call him on the show, is one good-looking guy! Tall, and all that hair! But as for marrying, I know he kills a lot of bad guys on the show, but I still think he’s too much of a softy for me.

Wed: Dean (Jensen Ackles). Now I’m not usually into pretty boys. I tend to like guys who are sexy, but not picture-perfect. Dean is the exception, and man what an exception! The man positively makes me drool! Then add his personality to the mix, hot and funny. Yes, sir! I’ll take that! He could protect me from any sort of supernatural creature, he has a nice ride, and we’d laugh for hours on end…when we weren’t doing other things. Yes, Mrs. Ackles has a nice ring to it…if only there wasn’t one already…

Waste: Castiel. Did you really just make me kill an angel, Alicia Dean? Although I thoroughly enjoy watching him on the show, I’m not really turned on by him. Sorry. And being an angel, he may not get me. Yep, give me, Dean.  …NOW please!


Juli D. Revezzo, author of Drawing Down the ShadesBusiness can be hell… Website http://julidrevezzo.com/

Drawing Down the Shades is on sale for a few more days and at Smashwords for their Read an Ebook week. Click here: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/394274

Want: Sam, (such a sweet guy, plus, he used to be on Gilmore Girls. :))

Wed: Casiel (Because he’s an angel. can you imagine what life would be like with him?)

Waste: Dean (because, well…*ducks* He seems a bit stuck up, plus, there’s the little thing about that *spoiler alert* contract over his head…. 😉


Now we’d like to hear from you….which of these Supernatural Guys would you Want, Wed, and Waste? Thanks for playing!


Filed under Uncategorized

Wednesday’s Want, Wed, Waste: Valentine’s Day – Romantic Movie Leads

Hello and welcome to my version of the game, ‘F*@#’, Marry, Kill. This week we are WWW’ing Actors in Romantic Movie Roles.

Myself and some of my friends are sharing our Want, Wed, and Waste choices from this week’s list:

Tom Hanks in Sleepless in Seattle, Matthew McConaughey in How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days, Patrick Dempsey in Made of Honor

hanks How_To_Lose_A_Guy_In_Ten_Days_10487_Medium ?????????????

Click on book titles below to learn more and to be taken to a buy link


Me (Alicia Dean). Author of Valentine romance short story, Cupid’s Beau – What happens when a Cupid falls for her target? (ON SALE for only 99¢)

Want: Matthew McConaughey, I LOVED How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days, and MM is very hot, but he acts a little ‘off’ sometimes, so I would just want him on a temporary basis. But many times. 🙂

Wed: Patrick Dempsey. I adore Patrick Dempsey. There’s something about him that really appeals to me. I would Wed him so I could Want him often. And if you haven’t seen Made of Honor, you’re missing out. It is such a cute, fun, sexy movie. Definitely a good choice for Valentine’s Day (or any day). He also seems like a good husband, so Wedding him is a win-win.

Waste: Tom Hanks. I like him and respect him, and Sleepless in Seattle was a good movie. He and Meg had good chemistry, but he’s the least appealing of the two. Everyone loves Tom Hanks, so if I actually wasted him, I’m sure a lot of people would be angry with me, so I won’t. But he’s in my Waste category by default.


Marie Tuhart, author of More Than One Night – Escape to an Erotic Fantasy, Website: http://www.marietuhart.com

Want – Matthew McConaughey – because he’s the ultimate bad boy and so darn cute.  I can just cuddle up with him and have all sorts of fun.

Wed – Tom Hanks – because he’s the man you bring home to meet the parents.  He’s funny, sensitive and faithful.  And not bad to look at.

Waste: Patrick Dempsey – there is just something about him that turns me off.  I’m not sure what it is, but he’s not my type of guy.


Kathy L Wheeler, author of Quotable ~~ Bloomington Series, book 1 ~~ BE SURE to grab this one, it’s FREE!!! Website:

!!! – Kathy is giving away a copy of Book 2 in the Bloomington Series – Maybe It’s You – A winner will be drawn from the commenters

Want: How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days is my absolute favorite Romantic Comedy. Just typing this out makes me want to drop everything and go put the dvd in. Yum, yum, yum. Plus, Mr. McConaughey is not only a Texas, but hell, was he ripped in Magic Mike. Yeah, I’ll let Matt do me!

Wed: The only part of Sleepless in Seattle that I really loved was when Rosie and Meg were watching An Affair to Remember with Deborah Kerr and Cary Grant (the sexiest man of all time). But who wouldn’t wed a lovable Tom Hanks? Not me. I’ll take him.

Waste: This is ridiculous. There is no possible way to waste Patrick Dempsey. The man pulled a victim out of a burning car for God’s sake! No. I’ll just have to want <i>and</> wed him too. I’m BREAKING the rules.


Diane Burton, author of ONE RED SHOE – Wannabe writer rescues wounded spy while risking her heart.  Website:  www.dianeburton.com

Want: Patrick Dempsey. Patrick is hot! What my mom would’ve called a dreamboat. Didn’t see him in Made of Honor; loved him in Enchanted.

Wed: Tom Hanks. No question. I watch Sleepless in Seattle every time it’s on and get all choked up every time. Even better in You Got Mail. In real life, he seems very devoted to his wife Rita. Gotta love that.

Do I have to waste one? Then I guess it has to be Matthew McConaughey.  I didn’t see him in How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days, but I loved him in Failure to Launch.


M.J. Schiller, author of TRAPPED UNDER ICEA rock star. A lunch lady. Can they bridge the gap? ON SALE for only 99¢! Website: www.mjschillerauthor.blogspot.com

M.J. is giving away a copy of BETWEEN ROCK AND A HARD PLACE. A winner will be drawn from the commenters

Want: Gotta go with Matthew McConaughey. He hasn’t aged all that well, but I’m not exactly a beauty contest winner, either, so I’m not gonna be picky. He still has a certain charm.

Wed: Patrick Dempsey! He has that wholesome, boy next store, killer smile thing going for him and he just seems like a nice guy.

Waste: Wait. Wait just one minute here. I can’t waste Tom Hanks! He’s too awesome and cool. Huh. McConaughey has to go. Waste McConaughey, Wed Hanks and Want Dempsey. Sorry, Matthew. I guess that whole poor aging thing meant more to me than I thought. And you never did “Big” or “Sleepless in Seatle” or “Castaway”…and you’re not the voice of Woody. Ba-bye.


Now we’d like to hear from you….which of these Swoon-Worthy Romantic Leads would you Want, Wed, and Waste?
Thanks for playing!


Filed under Entertainment, Uncategorized

Wednesday’s Want, Wed, Waste: Australian Actors

Hello and welcome to my version of the game, ‘F*@#’, Marry, Kill. This week we are WWW’ing Australian actors (Hmmm….I guess for people who live in Australia, they’re simply ‘actors’.)

Myself and some of my friends are sharing our Want, Wed, and Waste choices from this week’s list:

Chris Hemsworth, Hugh Jackman, Guy Pearce

chris jackman pearce

Click on book titles below to learn more and to be taken to a buy link


Me (Alicia Dean). Author of two Vampire Diaries Kindle Worlds books: What the Heart Wants and Divine EnemyWhile Damon and Stefan try to control Elena’s blood-lust, the race for the cure takes a shocking detour

Want: This is tough, but I’ll have to say Guy Pearce. He’s sexy and an incredible actor. I have to think of him in movies like Memento rather than Lawless, because then I would definitely want to waste him. Over and over. But that just shows what an amazing actor he is.

Wed: Hugh Jackman. He’s also sexy, and a great actor, and he’d probably make a better husband than Guy Pearce (I’m just going by instinct but if my husband instinct was all that honed, I probably wouldn’t be divorced :)) The most recent movie I saw of his was Prisoners. And if I were going to have a husband and if we were going to have a child kidnapped, I can’t think of anyone else I would want as the father. Freakin’ awesome movie, if you haven’t seen it. Not crazy about the end, but nothing’s perfect, right? (PLEASE no spoilers if you comment on this – I’ve seen it but I hate spoilers so much, I don’t even want others so see them!)

Waste: Dangit…it will have to be Chris Hemsworth. This was really, really tough. I couldn’t use a pic from Thor or Snow White and the Huntsman, or I definitely could not have wasted him. He simply lost the draw, and while he’s gorgeous and sexy and adorable, he hasn’t been around as long as the other two, so he doesn’t have their ‘staying power’. 😉 Yet. I’m willing to give him the test of time.


Linda Carroll-Bradd, author of sweet contemporary Gingerbread Wishes.

Want: Chris Hemsworth, droolworthy in his roles in Thor, Avengers and Snow White and The Huntsman. I just love brooding he-men.

Wed:  Hugh Jackman, because he appears to be a real gentleman and devoted to his family.

Waste:   Guy Pearce, probably I’m reacting to his depth as an actor but his depictions of dark characters makes me believe he’s not the nicest person in the world.


SILVER JAMES, author of THAT OL’ BLACK MAGIC, When guilt and innocence come to play in the French Quarter, it’ll take Sade’s brand of crazy to sort it all out, Website: http://silverjames.com

Silver is offering a free digital copy of THAT OL’ BLACK MAGIC in the winner’s choice of formats!!! – Please be sure to leave your email address in the comment section.

Want: Chris Hemsworth- OMG! Talk about man candy! I want to tangle my fingers in his hair and explore his abs with my….well, nevermind! Suffice it to say that this guy can use his hammer on me. Any. Way. He. Wants!

Wed: Hugh Jackman – I’ve crushed on Hugh since forever. Whether he’s the Wolverine or Curly in Oklahoma, or the man out of time in Kate & Leopold, I melt whenever he appears. He’s such a romantic. And darn if he isn’t a family man to boot. Sadly, I’d have to fight his wife for him, but I think I can take her! 😉

Waste: Guy Pearce – Poor Guy. I have to waste someone and the other two choices are no brainers for me. So, Guy? Sorry, but you’re the odd man out.


M.J. Schiller, author of TRAPPED UNDER ICE, They come from two separate worlds. Will they be able to bridge the gap?  Website: http://www.mjschillerauthor.blogspot.com

Want: This was a no-brainer for me. Chris Hemsworth is scorching hot! So hot, I don’t think I could marry him because we’d never leave the bedroom and might, quite possibly, starve.

Wed: Definitely get the Hugh Jackman appeal, too. It’s the intense eyes, if you ask me. He also just seems like a stand-up kind of guy. And if you had any problems, he could just go all Wolverine on them, which is a plus.

Waste: Guy Pearce. I had to Google this one. He has a lot of different looks, this guy! Some I found very appealing, some…not so much. So, because I had to look you up Mr. Pearce and go to all that effort typing your name into the search field, I’m gonna have to waste you. Sorry.


Qwillia Rain, author of Looking At Rose: Poker Posse 1 Website: http://authorqwilliarain.blogspot.com

Want: Chris Hemsworth…he looks good in and out of jeans and armor , and the things I could do with that cape he wears as Thor, mmm. He just seems awful young to make it through the long haul (plus he did a great job playing Jim Kirk’s dad in the latest remake of Star Trek). I wouldn’t mind teaching him all the right moves. LOL

Wed: Hugh Jackman…the man is multi-talented. I actually got to see him perform as Curly in Oklahoma on the London stage before his debut as Wolverine in the first X-Men movie. He can dance, he can sing, and man oh man, he blushed every time Halle Berry had her top off in Swordfish! How sweet is that!? No worries of this man straying. Plus, even when he’s playing a shady character he’s an excellent anti-hero.

Waste: Guy Pearce…I have to admit he is a talented actor. I’ve enjoyed him in The Time Machine, Iron Man 3, and LA Confidential, but there’s just something about him that makes me feel like I should weigh everything he says and does against what his motivations and intentions are, plus his ability to make you truly despise how nasty and manipulative his characters are just make me want to take a shower and wash the “ick” away when the movie is over. He makes an excellent villain, and an interesting tortured hero, still, of the three he’s on the bottom of my list


Kathy L Wheeler, author of Quotable (Now free!)  Website: http://kathylwheeler.com

Want: Hugh Jackman, but okay, I’ll take Guy Pearce for a want too. Because I’d rather marry Hugh Jackman and keep him for the long term.

Wed: Hugh Jackman, because he could sing to me every morning and every night and I want that forever!!!!

Waste: Chris Hemsworth is nice to look at but he has a baby face. I’m so sorry, Chris. I’ll have to waste you…


Now we’d like to hear from you….which of these sexy Australian Actors would you Want, Wed, Waste?

Thanks for playing!


Filed under Entertainment, For Writers

Wednesday’s Want, Wed, Waste: The Vampire Diaries’ Jeremy, Matt, Tyler

Hello and welcome to my version of the game, ‘F*@#’, Marry, Kill. This week we are WWW’ing the second-fiddle hotties from Vampire Diaries.

Myself and some of my friends are sharing our Want, Wed, and Waste choices from this week’s list:

Jeremy Gilbert, Matt Donovan, Tyler Lockwood

StephenRMcQueen611113 Matt Donovan tyler

Click on book titles below to learn more and to be taken to a buy link


Me (Alicia Dean). Author of two Vampire Diaries Kindle Worlds books: What the Heart Wants and Divine EnemyWhile Damon and Stefan try to control Elena’s blood-lust, the race for the cure takes a shocking detour

Want: Jeremy Gilbert. I have to be sure to focus on the character, not the actor. (I think it would be cool to be married to Steve McQueen’s grandson, if I had to be married, but the ‘character’ is not his grandson. Plus, the actor is a bit of a party animal, although he’s really fun and friendly, so he might make a good husband when he’s ready to settle down.) Back to ‘Jeremy’ – He is a cutie, with an amazing body, but he can be a pain when he goes all hunter and tries to kill Damon. Besides, he dies way too often. What kind of marriage would that be? I mean, how often can a girl be widowed by the same husband and keep her sanity? I would have to put him in the “Want” category.

Wed: Matt Donovan. He’s precious and adorable. He has had a LOT of bad luck and he needs a good woman to make him happy. He is an excellent friend, very loyal, so I think he would make a great husband. Besides, he’s one of the only humans left in Mystic Falls (Even though the Travelers have been inhabiting his body, he’s still ‘human’), and we humans have to stick together. (Unless I get lucky and Damon or Klaus decide to turn me…then bye-bye humanity!)

Waste: Tyler Lockwood. UGH! While he is definitely good-looking, I am SO done with him. He’s just a weasel, the way he keeps leaving Caroline. And don’t get me started on his betraying Klaus. Anyone who mistreats my guy (who I would definitely cheat on Matt with (sorry for ending the sentence in a preposition)), is on my SH*% list! So, Tyler, you get the ‘Waste.’ But then, it’s about time. I mean, you’ve screwed with Klaus so much, you’re living on borrowed time anyway. 


MJ SCHILLER, author of ABANDON ALL HOPE ~ It’s been eight years but he still can’t give up Hope.  Website: www.mjschillerauthor.blogspot.com

Want: Well, I can genuinely see me wanting all of them. That’s the beauty of WWW Wednesday. I’m in the driver’s seat! I’m going to take Matt as my want. He’s such a sweet character and he never seems to end up with the girl!

Wed: Easy! Jeremy, (Or Jermy, as we call him around here). SO cute and I would just want to keep him around forever. He plays the hot younger brother well!

Waste: Tyler! He’s good looking but I’ve never been able to get beyond the rich, spoiled boy he started out as when TVD first began. Plus, he’s a hybrid. You’d never know what to expect from him. Come to think of it, that could be a plus…


Juli D. Revezzo, author of  Drawing Down the ShadesBusiness can be hell…


Want: Matt Donovan (Zach Roerig)–who doesn’t love the underdog?

Wed: Tyler Lockwood: (Michael Trevino) – He was in Alice–I mean, Malice in Wonderland and Charmed before this. Seems like that’s a good combination. Plus, think of what a good guard dog a Werewolf would make. 😉

Waste: Jeremy Gilbert – Steven R. McQueen. Seems like  a nice kid, party boy thing aside. Well? Since he’s a vampire hunter and the vampire diary characters are our heroes, we can’t root for him. So, he’s outta here this time (poor kid).


SILVER JAMES, author of THAT OL’ BLACK MAGICWerewolves, Fae, and Dragons, oh my! What’s Sade Marquis, a human FBI agent, to do? Solve the crime, of course. Website: http:/www.silverjames.com 

Want: Tyler Lockwood because…werewolf, d’uh! Warm, fuzzy, and he knows how to eat… *waggles brows*

Wed: Matt Donovan because…human. He won’t be young and gorgeous when I’m older than dirt, provided he survives all the preternatural baddies, of course.

Waste: Jeremy Gilbert because…he lost the coin toss? Well, that and his whole talking to the dead thing. How would I know if he’s talking to me or something else?


Now we’d like to hear from you….which of these: Hunter/Ghost Talker, Human, Hybrid would you Want, Wed, and Waste?

Thanks for playing!


Filed under Entertainment, For Writers

Wednesday’s Want, Wed, Waste: Elvis Presley’s Co-Stars – Giveaway – 99¢ Ebooks!

Hello and welcome to my version of the game, ‘F*@#’, Marry, Kill. This week, in honor of Elvis Presley’s birthday, we are WWW’ing three of his co-stars. I chose not to WWW Elvis because, for one, he’s incomparable. For another, no matter who was on the list, I would Wed and Want Elvis. Lastly, I wouldn’t take it very well if anyone wasted him. 🙂

So…myself and some of my friends are sharing our Want, Wed, and Waste choices from this week’s list:

Charles Bronson (Kid Gallahad), Bill Bixby (Speedway and Clambake), Dick Sargent (Live a Little, Love a Little)

charles bill bixby dick

Click on book titles below to learn more and to be taken to a buy link


Me (Alicia Dean). FOUR different Ebooks on sale through January 15 from Amazon: 99¢ each! Lady in the Mist, Death Notice, Liberty Awakened, Liberty Divided. Click here for info and links: Alicia Dean Kindle Book Sale

Want: That would have to be Charles Bronson. He’s rugged and tough and sexy. I think it’s so awesome that he co-starred in an Elvis movie, then went on to be a huge star. Side note: My ex and I watched a lot of Bronson movies when we were married. He didn’t believe me when I told him Bronson played second fiddle to Elvis in a movie. I had to prove it to him. Then I had to divorce him. (That’s not really why, but it makes the story more interesting, right?)

Wed: Bill Bixby. He was a cutie and seemed like he’d make a good husband. Plus, it would be very handy if I was in jeopardy and he hulked out. (I really believe that could have happened)

Waste: Dick Sargent. I didn’t like it when he took over as Darrin for Dick York on Bewitched. He was also a BIG dweeb in Live a Little, Love a Little.


Juli D. Revezzo, author of Drawing Down the Shades (Antique Magic book 2) Business can be hell…

!!! – Juli is donating the royalties from the sales of her Antique Magic series (THROUGH THE END OF TODAY, January 8th) to the  http://www.fibrofoundation.org/

Smashwords: https://www.smashwords.com/books/byseries/5714

The Amazon link is: http://amzn.to/1drmv4t

Juli’s website: http://julidrevezzo.com

Wed: Dick Sargeant (this was a toss up because Bronson would be a great protector. 🙂 but Sargent is …well? Samantha’s hubby. 🙂

Waste: Oh dear. Bill Bixby (sorry Hulk)

Want: Um, well?  I guess Bronson goes here then.


M.J. SCHILLER, author of ABANDON ALL HOPE  Hope rules his heart. But is it too late? Website: www.mjschillerauthor.blogspot.com

GIVEAWAY: One commenter will received an e-copy of M.J. Schiller’s ABANDON ALL HOPE – Be sure to leave your email address with your comment.

Want: Bill Bixby- I always thought he was kind of cute, and he’d make an excellent husband I think, but I don’t want Charles Bronson or Dick Sargent, so…

Wed: Charlie Bronson- he’s make a great watch dog!

Waste: Dick Sargent- Not that I have anything against Dick Sargent per se, but of the three, he seems like maybe he has just a little edge of nastiness to him…? Am I wrong? Anyone else get that from him? I’m sure that some people would enjoy that snark, but I am attracted to kind-hearted guys. Not that Dick Sargent wasn’t, he may have been a great guy, but he wasn’t blatant about it, if you know what I mean.


Diane Burton, author of ONE RED SHOE, a road trip adventure, will be released by The Wild Rose Press worldwide in all ebook formats and in print on Friday, January 10th.

Available at The Wild Rose Press: http://www.wildrosepublishing.com/maincatalog_v151/index.php?main_page=index&manufacturers_id=1082

Amazon: http://amzn.com/B00FDXRHZA

Website: http://www.dianeburton.com/

Want: Bill Bixby. Handsome. Okay, hot. I just hope he doesn’t get too excited and become the Incredible Hulk.

Wed: Charles Bronson. What a tough guy. You could depend on him to protect the ranch. Good husband material in his real life. I remember how devoted he was to his wife, Jill Ireland, until she died.

Waste: Dick Sargent. I can’t see him without thinking of Bewitched. All the Darrins were dorks.


Qwillia Rain, author of In A Lover’s Silence    Website/Blog: http://authorqwilliarain.blogspot.com

Want: Bill Bixby…but only because I liked him as Bruce Banner, but I wouldn’t like to keep him permanently.

Wed: Charles Bronson! This is a no-brainer for me. Charles Bronson was always a strong and determined character, and he always exuded a powerful, in-control nature that truly appeals to me.

Waste: Dick Sargent, much as I enjoyed him as Samantha’s husband on Bewitched, but there’s just something about his passive nature that turns me off.


Now we’d like to hear from you….which of these Elvis co-stars would you Want, Wed, and Waste?

Thanks for playing!


Filed under Entertainment, For Writers