To Be a Guest on My Blog…


Hello! If you would like to be a guest on my blog…

  • Find 3 available dates on this calendar (rather than just one, in case by the time we schedule, the date you chose has been taken):  Alicia Dean Blog Calendar  (The open dates are blank and have no color shading. If the color shading appears on a day, it is unavailable) and email me with your requested dates. I will schedule you and reply with your date.
  • Choose one of the listed types of spots, read the instructions carefully, then download and complete this form: Alicia Dean Blog Guest Info then email to me at along with images for your post. (PLEASE WAIT UNTIL YOUR INFORMATION IS COMPLETE BEFORE SUBMITTING)

Type of Posts:

  1. Hobby/Career/Passion: Each Tuesday, I will share a blog post from an author on a hobby, career, or passion one of their characters is involved in. (By passion, I mean a love for art, a particular celebrity, cooking, animals etc). Write an article of approximately 500 words about the hobby, career, or passion which can be either from the character’s point of view or from the author’s point of view regarding research on the topic or the author’s own experience with the topic, etc. Please work in the article how it is used in your book, as in, which character it relates to and how they came to be or do that. Please provide an image related to the topic.
  2. Author Interview (questions can be found on the Blog Google Doc above)
  3. 10 Moments That Changed My Life: Provide a list of 10 moments that had a big impact on your life, any time frame from infancy to present day. Please be fairly brief; do not write paragraph after paragraph about each event. Perhaps one brief paragraph per event will suffice. You may also include a few related images. Here is an example of a 10 Moments post:
  4. Free Write: Write a blog post on any topic. Objectionable material will not be accepted. Approval of all posts is at my discretion.
  5. Spotlight, cover reveal, etc.
  6. ANTHOLOGY OR SERIES~ If you are part of an anthology or series and would like a guest spot to feature more than one book, I am happy to host you. Something specific I offer is for each author to provide the below…
  • A three line blurb
  • A few favorite lines from the story
  • A fun fact about you or the story
  • What was the most difficult thing about writing in conjunction with the other authors
  • What was the best thing about writing in conjunction with other authors
  • Each author would provide a cover, buy link, and a few contact links. If you have an image or cover for the boxed set/series/anthology, you can provide that as well.


9 responses to “To Be a Guest on My Blog…

  1. Pingback: To Be a Guest on My Blog (Reblogging for Alicia Dean) | Have You Heard?

  2. will certainly take you up on that as and when….for now….please just accept my thanks.


  3. Leslie

    I would love be a guest on your blog


  4. Hi Leslie…great! Just email me with some dates and we’ll get you scheduled. Then you can send me your info whenever you have it.


  5. Thank you for what you’re doing to help authors. Very commendable.


  6. Evelyn Timidaiski

    I would like to be a guest on your blog. Dates, April 7,14,21. Thanks for doing this.


  7. Diane McPhee

    I would like to be a guest on your blog. Any time in May would work for me. Thank you!


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