Wednesday’s Want, Wed, Waste: Characters from TV Ads

Hello and welcome to my version of the game, ‘F*@#’, Marry, Kill. This week we are WWW’ing characters from television commercials.

Myself and some of my friends are sharing our Want, Wed, and Waste choices from this week’s list:

The Brawny Man, Green Giant, Mr. Clean,

(Yes, you read that correctly ;))

brawny-man2 jolly-green-giant mrclean_circle-11

(and just in case your picturing the 70’s, porn star Brawny look:)


Click on book titles below to learn more and to be taken to a buy link


Me (Alicia Dean). Author of DEATH NOTICE – A killer is using her obituary column to forecast his kills. 

Want: Jolly Green Giant. Well, I love vegetables, he’s jolly, and he’s giant, so I’m sure he’d be a blast to hang out with…and tons of fun in the sack.

Wed: Mr. Clean – I’m sure he’d clean my house, and that makes him win for husband material, hands down.  I can’t think of another reason why I would even need a husband, so he may be my ultimate fantasy man now that I think about it.

Waste: Brawny Man. He’s too outdoorsy, and I’m an inside kind of gal. I want to just chill inside, in my clean house, after I’ve had a romp with JGG (That’s my nickname for my lover, Jolly Green Giant).


Kae Elle Wheeler, The Wronged Princess – book i,  new and revised! 

Want: The Brawny Man is strong, outdoorsy. But does he clean house? 

Wed: Mr. Clean is hot. And Clean. I could do him. Plus, he cleans house. He’s a keeper.

Waste: The Green Giant, is green and I hate peas. That’s what I think of. Have to waste him.


Juli D. Revezzo,  author of  Drawing Down the ShadesBusiness can be hell… Website:

I’ll take the Brawny man for the win…Errr, I mean the Want, Mr. Clean for the Wed (because, hey, he’ll clean my house!) and the …oh, shoot. Do I have to waste the Green Giant? Okay, we’ll use him for fertilizer in the garden. 😉


Layla Chase is one of the contributing authors to Cowboy Heat, an erotic anthology of cowboy-themed short stories, released by Cleis Press.

Want—The Brawny Man—who doesn’t love a man in plaid flannel? I spent 3 years in Oregon and saw lots of plaid flannel shirts and even attended a lumberjack competition on July 4th and rain fell!

Wed—The Jolly Green Giant—I picked him as husband material because with all his contacts with the growers, he’d be a good provider.

Waste—Mr. Clean—shaved heads are just not my thing. I fail to see how this style is sexy at all.


SILVER JAMES, author of THAT OL’ BLACK MAGIC (Werewolves, Fae, and Dragons, oh my! What’s Sade Marquis, a human FBI agent, to do? Solve the crime, of course.), BOOK LINK: ), Website: 

Want: The Brawny Man. I mean, who doesn’t love a man in flannel with muscles? And he’s a lumberjack. He knows how to take care of his wood.

Wed: Mr. Clean. Hellooooo! The man does housework! What’s not to love? Plus, I think he’s way sexy. (PS, I happen to know his human model — a Norman fireman. *nods* Really!)

Waste: The Green Giant. Okay, size might matter but the dude is green! He clashes with my decor. And I’m not big on veggies.


M.J. Schiller, author of THE HEART TEACHES BEST, Website:

Want: Mr. Clean- he’s muscular and has an attractive self-confidence. You can tell by the way he stands there with his arms crossed. But I HATE cleaning, so I wouldn’t keep him around long.

Wed: The Brawny Man- I always thought he was hot. Kind of in a Tom Selleck way. Plus, if we needed firewood, he’d be all over that.

Waste: The Jolly Green Giant- I’m not big on vegetables.


Now we’d like to hear from you….which of these Hunky Ad Men would you Want, Wed, and Waste?

Thanks for playing!


Filed under Entertainment, For Writers

7 responses to “Wednesday’s Want, Wed, Waste: Characters from TV Ads

  1. This is great! Loved your answers!


  2. This would be wildly educational for men to read. The number of responders who saw a man who would clean house as a REAL TURN ON would shock the hell out of most men.


  3. Well, I must share this…I tweeted about the post and look at the reply I received: LOL

    Brawny® ‏@Brawny 36m

    @Alicia_Dean_ Honored to be included, & only one “Waste!” For the record, #BrawnyMan cleans tough messes pretty well himself. 😉


  4. I love when brands have a sense of humor and respond! This made my day! LOLOL


  5. Funny how you all saw Mr. Clean as cleaning your house while I saw him as making ME clean. That probably could be analyzed and reveal something about my psyche…


  6. Love all your choices & reasons. Juli, ROTFLOL over the Green Giant as fertilizer.


  7. M.J.- I won’t touch that… 😉 LOL

    So I would go with Mr. Clean for want- because as so many have pointed out– he cleans! Everything. And he’s pretty sexy, but I could never get past facing the bald head every morning.
    Wed- Brawny Man because he’s outdoorsy and hot! I love the flannel and muscles, and he also cleans. 🙂 (awesome ‘he’ replied to your tweet!!)
    Waste- I love green, it’s one of my two favorite colors…just not on my men.


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