The Spotlight is on Michelle Godard-Richer and her #Thriller Novel, Fatal Witness ~ #Blog #WRPbks

Please help me welcome Michelle Godard-Richer with her fabulous thriller…

No matter how much you want to forget them, some things cannot be unseen.                                                  

Jessica opens her window in the middle of the night to catch a breeze, but instead, she witnesses something that will change the course of her life forever—her neighbor, David, loading his wife’s body onto the back of his truck. She soon learns David knows what she saw and will stop at nothing to eliminate the only witness to his crime. With her young son Bryce in tow, she flees across the border to Montana. She discovers her first love, Jon Kent, is back in town after an early retirement from the FBI. But he isn’t the only one in town. David surfaces to unleash hell on Jessica and everyone she loves.                                                                             


She scurried up the cabin stairs, glanced inside the door, and froze.

Oh, this is not good. This is not good at all.

A chair sat in the middle of the only room. Zip ties, a toolbox, a big jug of gasoline, and plastic were lined up next to each other on the floor. He meant to tie her up in the chair and torture her.

If help didn’t arrive soon, that may still be her fate.

Find Fatal Witness HERE

About the Author

Michelle Godard-Richer is an award-winning thriller, horror, and romance author living in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains in Alberta, Canada. With her degree in Criminology, she writes edge-of-your seat, suspenseful stories, with strong protagonists and diabolical villains.






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3 responses to “The Spotlight is on Michelle Godard-Richer and her #Thriller Novel, Fatal Witness ~ #Blog #WRPbks

  1. Jennifer Ivy Walker

    I LOVED this FBI thriller, Fatal Witness. And I highly recommend Fatal Hunt, too. Can’t wait for the conclusion to this compelling trilogy!

    Liked by 1 person

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