Author Interview with Julie Howard ~ New Release: Crime Times Two

#WRPbks, #AHAgrp, #99Cents

Please help me welcome Wild Rose Press author, Julie Howard…

Please tell us a little about yourself, where are you from? Where do you live now? Family? Pets?

My heart is torn between two states where I’ve lived most my life: California and Idaho. Because of this, I do believe you can call two places your home. I’ve lived in Idaho for the past fifteen years and it’s where I plan to stay, but California is still tops on my vacation list. I’m married with two children and a little sheltie who is my constant companion.

Where did you get the idea for your Wild Crime series.

My Wild Crime series came to me when we first moved to Idaho from the urban crush of California. My husband and I were taking a driving tour of the state to get to know our new home and I was struck by how remote many homes were. I mean REALLY remote. I imagined the stories of the people living in these houses far up in the mountains, up a dirt road, cut off during the winter snows. The what if scenario played in my mind: What if a woman moved out there with the wrong sort of man? What if she believed her only escape was killing him? What if he was murdered? I knew I had to write this story.

What book have you read that you wish you had written?

Anything by Charles Dickens. I get such a kick out of the characters he creates and how dead-on he captures certain personalities.

What was your first job?

When I was in high school, I typed up divorce documents for a lawyer. I must have helped split up dozens of marriages. I hope there weren’t too many typos.

What’s the main thing that you could get rid of in your life that would give you more writing time?

Sleeping. That’s eight perfectly good hours, wasted!

Would you rather have a bad review or no review?

I’d much rather have a bad review. I spent a career as a journalist and worked with some pretty tough editors. The tough ones taught me the most. If I need to work harder or better or differently, I’d rather know so I can make the adjustment and move on.

What is your favorite quote?

“The flies have conquered the flypaper.” From John Steinbeck’s The Moon is Down.

If you were stranded on a deserted island and you could have 3 (inanimate) objects, what would they be?

A beach chair, a good book and a bottle of wine. Why worry?

If you could be a character in any of your books, who would you be?

Oh, I love the little five-year-old girl in my books. She’s the daughter of the main character and is a feisty spitfire. She’s so much fun to write and I know she’ll go on to be a strong woman. Wait…she’s imaginary…

Have you written any other books that are not published?

I’ve written a historical fiction set during WWII that is inspired by family stories. It’s in final editing stages, but I’m having trouble letting go. This one is close to my heart and I want it to be perfect – and of course nothing can ever be perfect.

Who is the most famous person you have ever met?

I’ve met a few since I was a journalist and worked in Las Vegas for a while. My most interesting interview was with Oscar winner Patricia Neal. She was in movies with Ronald Reagan and was married to (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory) author Roald Dahl.

Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp?

We are all stronger than we think, and there is always a path forward.

Tell us about your favorites…

Movie – Bandits

Music – Modern folk

Place you’ve visited – Istanbul

Place you’d like to visit – the Philippines

TV show from childhood – Gilligan’s Island

TV show from adulthood – Fargo

Food – anything Mexican

Sports team – Boise State Broncos (football), of course

Which do you prefer: Board games/card games or television? Board games, especially playing with my kids.


Thank you, Julie. I loved getting to know you, and your book sounds fantastic. Congrats!

Now, Julie has a question for readers…

If you were on a deserted island and could only have one book to read over and over, what would it be?

Julie Howard’s Wild Crime series continues with the release of book two, “Crime Times Two.”

When divorce is out of the question, can murder be forgiven?”

Blurb from “Crime Times Two” (coming Oct. 8, available for pre-order now)

Meredith knows three things: First, the man in the library begged her to help him. Second, he was afraid of his wife. Third, now he’s dead.

While the evidence first points to a natural death, Meredith is certain there’s more to discover. People are tight-lipped in this small mountain village, and the man’s wife isn’t talking either. Then a second death occurs, with remarkable similarities. It’s time to talk about murder.

As a slow-burning relationship heats up in her own life, Meredith struggles with concepts of love and hate, belief and suspicion, and absolution and guilt. Nothing is clear cut…

She must decide: Is guilt, like evil, something you can choose to believe in?

Excerpt from “Crime Times Two”

Jowls quivered under the man’s weak chin, and Meredith noted the stained and frayed shirt of someone who spent a lot of time alone in dark rooms, sending out a better version of himself into the virtual world. His eyes were anxious and beseeching at her as though she should have a clear understanding of him and his life.

Somehow, over the past hour and a half they’d been sitting next to each other – him playing video games and sharing his life story and her ignoring him the best she could – she had become his confessor and friend.

Meredith gave him what she hoped was an impartial-though-quasi-friendly smile. She reached for her purse and papers and rose from her chair. “Well. Nice talking with you.”

The man was lost in his own train of thought and seemed only slightly aware that Meredith was leaving.

He shook his head, morose.

“To make a long story short,” he summed up, “I think my wife is trying to kill me.”


About the author

Julie Howard is the author of the Wild Crime series. She is a former journalist and editor who has covered topics ranging from crime to cowboy poetry. She is a member of the Idaho Writers Guild, editor of the Potato Soup Journal, and founder of the Boise chapter of Shut Up & Write. Learn more at

BOOK SALE ALERT! The first book in the series, “Crime and Paradise,” in on a 99-cent flash sale until Oct. 18.



The story follows a young abused woman who ends up in a remote Idaho town. When her husband is murdered, she becomes the prime suspect. The local sheriff develops an interest in her beyond the investigation, and together they uncover some unsavory secrets in their small town.


Filed under Author Blog Post, Ebook Deal, New Release

12 responses to “Author Interview with Julie Howard ~ New Release: Crime Times Two

  1. Diane Burton

    Fantastic interview. Your book looks intriguing. Best wishes.


  2. Julie Howard

    Thanks for the interview, Alicia! I really enjoyed it.


  3. I too, call two places home! I was born and raised in New Orleans and I’ll forever call it home, but I’ve also lived in Nashville for many years. My son was born here and it’s home to me, as well! Great covers on both your books, Julie! Best to you!


  4. Maureen Bonatch

    I’ve never been to either state, but you make them sound so tempting! Congrats on your release!


  5. Great interview. I used to live in California and had a grand father who lived in Idaho.


  6. Enjoyed the interview and the excerpt. And your WWII series sounds interesting. I love that era. Good luck!


  7. Constance Bretes

    Never been to California, but I did drive through Idaho and it is a beautiful state. Good luck with your release.


  8. Connie Bretes

    Never been to California, but have driven through Idaho. Beautiful state. Good luck with your release.


  9. pamelasthibodeaux

    Great interview Julie!
    Good luck and God’s blessings


  10. coryellsusan

    Nice interview! If I were left on a deserted island I would have to cheat and say I’d want to be left with the Complete Works of Shakespeare. That could last a lifetime! Best wishes.


  11. Great interview; much success, Julie!
    A fellow TWRP author,
    Diana Rubino


  12. the pretty poems

    i love hearing about writers who have been journalists. I’ve been indulging in Stephen King interviews so this was a delight to read! This is an indie published book, right? That’s neat she extended it to two books! she sounds like a lover of Tex Mex food – which is da best. Interviews are always so juicy to read! I just started doing interviews myself ❤


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