Vampire Giveaway!!! Comment to win! Must Love Vampires…

And the winner is…

Karielle Stephanie Gam!!!

Her name was drawn for the Vampire gift pack. Congratulations, Karielle!

Thanks a bunch to all of you who commented. I had a blast.

No, I am not giving away an actual vampire. If I had one, I’d keep him–or her–for myself. 🙂 I am, however, giving away a fantastic Vampire Gift Pack. I will draw one name from those who comment on this blog post during the month of February. The drawing will be held in early March, and I will announce the winner here and contact you by email.

A few rules (very few):

1) You must answer at least one of the questions
2) You must leave your email address in your comment
3) Entrants who are out of the United States will receive a $40 gift card from Amazon or B&N if their name is drawn since there are all these pesky issues with mailing international packages

That’s it…

NOTE: Answer one or more question to be eligible for the drawing and PLEASE LEAVE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS. In addition to answering the question, feel free to tell us a little more about your VL (Vampire Love), if so compelled (wink, wink)


Now for the questions:

What do you love about Vampires?
Who is your favorite? (television, book, or movie vampire) Why?
What is your favorite Vampire book? Movie? Television show?
Have you ever been bitten by a Vampire? Would you like to be? Would you like to be turned or just used for Vampire sustenance?
For True Blood fans…if you could, would you be a Fang Banger?

Thanks…can’t wait to hear from all of you. Remember one lucky commenter will win…

Gift Pack includes…

-Immortality (Wait. I can’t promise that. Sorry! Scratch that)
-Your choice of ‘Vampire Diaries’ Seasons 1, 2, or 3 on DVD
-You can name a character in my third installment of Isle of Fangs and I will give your name and the name you chose in the acknowledgments
-You choice of a $20 gift card from either Barnes and Noble or Amazon
-Free ebook version of Isle of Fangs Book 2 for the Kindle or Nook (Available in early March)
-A dozen Alicia Dean ink pens
-A bonus gift surprise

Check out my Young Adult Vampire Novella…Liberty Awakened (Isle of Fangs Book 1)


Evil lurks beneath the surface in the beauty of the tropics…

After graduation from her small, Oklahoma high school, Liberty Delacort is looking forward to a fun-filled summer before college. But when the people she trusts the most betray her, and a letter arrives claiming the father she thought was dead is still alive, she jumps at the chance to travel to an exotic island to meet him.

But her excitement is short-lived. Her father is dying, and he doesn’t want her around. In spite of its outward tranquility, the island is filled with danger and ominous secrets. Before long, the secrets begin to unravel. She learns she is a descendant of Van Helsing, the vampire hunter, and she must fulfill her destiny in order to save humans from a faction of vicious vampires. The only man who can help her learn the skills she needs is a volatile, hostile, vampire who wants her off the island.

Will her inexperience lead to her death—and the death of others—or will she rise to the challenge and realize her full potential as a Hunter?


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42 responses to “Vampire Giveaway!!! Comment to win! Must Love Vampires…

  1. Ok, I haven’t been bitten by a vampire, but my character, Angelique Daughtery’s boyfriend by the name of Collin, pretends he’s biting her. Because she was named after one of Barnabas Collin’s love interests in the 69-70 soap series, Dark Shadows.
    The installment for this story will post February 13th on the Wildokies Blogspot.
    So I guess I’ve answered my favorite vampire was Barnabas from Dark Shadows and my favorite vampire show!!!!


  2. I used to LOVE vampires. I loved their power and that they can appear out of nowhere! One of my favorite movies is Salem’s Lot. When I was younger, I was addicted to the TV show Dark Shadows. I loved Barnabas! 🙂 They’re remaking that, I think. I’m very curious to see how they do it. I also liked Moonlight and have no idea why it was cancelled. No, I’ve never been bitten by a vampire and don’t want to be. I may have really lost my attraction to them since all you have to do is say the word ‘Vampire’ and I grab my throat. Okay… in younger days, I’ve been ‘bitten’ by those who may have thought they were vampires. ‘Nuff said! 😉


    • Uhm…no, not ’nuff said…I want to hear more, LOL. OMG, I loved Salems’ Lot! I remember I was reading the book and I lived in an upstairs apartment. I kept glancing at my window to make sure none of my friends-turned-vampire were floating out there. Thanks for stopping by.


  3. Jessica Subject

    I’m with Jess. I used to watch Dark Shadows quite often with my mother. And after that, I watched Forever Knight. Was turned off of vampires for a bit in high school, when some guy tried to convince everyone he was Lestat, carrying around jars of what he claimed was blood. Creepy! But I’ve read some great vampire fiction since then. 🙂


  4. Well, my fascination for vampires began after I watched the movie Interview with the vampire. From that moment on these mystifying creatures drew my attention and the fascination has not abated even after all these years.
    What I love about vampires is their alluring nature and all mystery that hides beneath the character. You never know for sure what a vampire hides and it’s actually kind of fun to find out.
    No. I have never been bitten by a vampire but I would be willing : )
    I don’t like being used so yes, I would prefer being turned instead.


    • Great answers, Kristy. I agree. Interview was fabulous! I would actually like to see it again. It’s been years. I love the allure of vampires, too. I love that they usually have this combination of good and bad traits and you can’t fully trust them, but they’re exciting! And I would also prefer to be turned. We have a lot in common, LOL. You didn’t leave your email address, so if you stop back by, please leave it for me in case I draw your name…thanks!


  5. I’ve never been bitten by a vampire and I have no to desire to be turned or used as a food source. It doesn’t look like a whole lot of fun on The Vampire Diaries, which is my favorite vampire TV show. Is it wrong my favorite vampire is Klaus? I do love a villain…


    • It might be wrong…but feels so right! I LOVE Klaus, although I still like Damon a smidge more. That scene where Klaus was on a killing rampage while Oh Holy Night played was phenomenal!!! Thanks for stopping by!


  6. Julie S.

    Great giveaway! Let’s see, well Buffy The Vampire Hunter is my favorite show.. True Blood and Vampire Diaries are close in the running. My favorite vamp would be VD’s Damon and I would not mind being bitten/turned by him as long as I can have a daylight ring.



    • LOL, no kidding, Julie! I love all those shows too. Mainly Vampire Diaries and True Blood. I’m totally obsessed! I would love being turned by Damon…can you imagine? I wouldn’t go all nutso and ruin it all like Vicki did. 🙂


  7. I think Vampires are absolutely intoxicating… the perfect dark, brooding, dangerous heroes that I’m prone to fall for. They usually also have some sort of superpower, which is always cool 😀 My current favorite would be Saloman from Marie Treanor’s AWAKENED BY BLOOD series, just because it’s the most recent vampire romance I’ve read. He’s absolutely a devil of a guy—powerful, evil, devastatingly handsome—and dammit! I think I’m in love with him.

    Thanks for a fun post—I’m always happy to talk about my love for vampires LOL

    I look forward to reading LIBERTY AWAKENED and the second book in the series as well!

    thestephanieloves AT gmail DOT com


    • Nice answer, Karielle. You summed it up perfectly! I adore a bad boy vampire. I will have to check out the Awakened by Blood Series. Saloman sounds hotttt!!! I hope you enjoy Liberty Awakened…thanks for stopping by and good luck in the drawing!


  8. You guys are so much fun! Nothing like bonding over a mutual love of the undead! 😉


  9. Melissa Pollard

    To me vampires are amazing. The speed and stealth at which they move, the history the share, and never knowing who is a vampire is quite intriguing. I began my vampire fascination with Lost Boys. Best television vampire would definitely be Barnabas. As far as books I can’t say I like a lot if not all of them.
    Each character has a trait that makes them special. The year I graduated high school I went to a club in a prominent city and they had Vamp night. I thought you would see people dressed up and characters from books but there were some who were biting others I even met someone who had some teeth implanted. I didn’t allow anyone to bite me but now I probably would. I would love to be a Fang Banger. Have the experience without the immortality. Immortality would be fun the first 100 years but then would get old I think.


    • Hi Melissa…wow. You’ve had quite a Vampire experience. A Vamp party and biting? Hmmm. I don’t think I’d enjoy that without them being actual vampires. 🙂 Thank you for stopping by. You didn’t leave your email address, so if you pop back in, please do. (BTW, I LOVED Lost Boys)


  10. Sheila

    I love vampires, but I am very picky, so I should rephrase and say I love a select few. I’ve never seen/read a vampire that wasn’t sexy on the dance floor. They know how to move. Take that as you will. My fav vampire book would be my first love, Bram Stoker’s Dracula. I’m very quirky, an understatement I’m sure, but I also love the comedic horror movie, Love at First Bite with George Hamilton. There are sooo many great one liners in there! My vampires have to have a sexy voice. If they have an accent…BONUS! You cannot help but love a guy in a cape.


    • SO true…a guy in a cape with an accent? Yum! I haven’t seen Love at First Bite, even as old as it is. I should check it out. Thanks for stopping by! (If you pop back in, please leave your email address)


  11. trunge

    1 I love their caveman all protective attitude
    2 Viscious from JR Ward BDB because he is your damaged loveable Vampire
    3 Too many to list
    4 I have never been bitten by a Vamp and I no I wouldn’t likr to be turned or used as a blood servant


  12. Okay, I got so excited when I read the blog title, especially, “Must Love Vampires…” and thought what’s NOT to love about vampires, *prey* tell? Then I recalled the movie I caught the other night, Shadow of the Vampire,” a remake of the 1922 German silent film and the first vampire movie. Although Willem Dafoe received an Oscar nod (I think) for his portrayal of Nosferatu, I assure you he would not rank among my favorite vampires. Eww. Sparkle, he does not! Hands down, however, my vote goes to Gary Oldman in Coppola’s Bram Stoker’s Dracula. Imho, Oldman takes sensual, charismatic, tortured vampire to a whole new level in this fantastic horror love story, which follows the classic novel so closely. My fave vampire book as well. (Rice’s Interview With A Vampire would be my second choice.) And if you haven’t listened to Annie Lennox’s “Love Song for a Vampire,” which she wrote for Coppola’s Dracula and received an Oscar nomination or Grammy or something for…well, you just haven’t heard a more perfectly haunting vampire song.
    If I did this right, the following for your listening enjoyment… Oh, spoiler alert on the movie.


  13. Wow…I haven’t seen any of those movies you named, but I need to check them out. Love the scene, but only watched part of it so I wouldn’t have it spoiled. 🙂 Thanks for sharing and stopping by!


  14. I would be a terrible fang banger because I would get in trouble for making fun of everyone 🙂 and I wouldn’t want to live forever… Yuck, too much timmmmme. Be happy when God takes me home to cause mischief there 😉

    When I was in jr high, loved the night World Series by l.j. Smith.


  15. I enjoy the series True Blood. I find vampire Bill’ whimpy as hell, though. I’d take Eric anyday. Definitely a fan of Bram Stoker’s Dracula with Gary Oldman as the lead role. He was downright sensual. Collin Farrell in the remake of Fright Night was about the best looking and sexiest vampire I’ve ever seen! No, I’ve never been bitten by a vampire, and not sure I’d want to be. Maybe…ONLY if I could be skinny and beautiful. Don’t want to end up like that poor guy on True Blood who was doomed forever to be fat and out of shape. LOL! That would be my kind of luck.


    • Hahaha, Lori. You crack me up. I am SO with you on True Blood. Love that show, but Bill makes me want to slap him. Eric…yum!!!! And oh yeah, Collin in Fright Night…wow!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for stopping by!


  16. Megan Thibault

    1. I love vampires speed and strength an the fact that they all seem to be gorgeous (except for in Justin Cronins “The Passage”).
    2. Damon from the Vampire diaries is my favorite vampire. Why? I fell in love with him (Ian Somerhalder) when he was on Lost for a short period of time but my love turned to obsession when he became a dark, brooding sexy as hell vampire. 😉
    3. Book: The Passage
    TV show: The Vampire Diaries/True Blood
    Movie: interview with a vampire
    4. Never been bitten. I’d love to be a vampire – immortality, power nd beauty: what more could a girl want
    5. I’d be a fangbanger


  17. Urb

    1. I love vampires because their scary and compelling.
    2. My favorite vampire books are the Channeling Morpheus series. Movie and TV vampires are ridiculous looking.
    3. I want to be bitten and turned.
    4. No I would not embarrass myself that way, lol!


  18. Thanks for the great responses. Interesting to see the different views.


  19. I guess I’m new on the Vampire scene 😉 I didn’t read any of the Twilight books until a month before Breaking Dawn Part 1. My sister-in-law kept at me until I caved. Then, I had them all read in a month and had all the movies on my IPad. I anxiously await the release of Part 2 😉 I was bored one evening and decided to turn on the Netflix. I saw “Vampire Diaries” Season 1 and thought, why not? I heard it was good. Well, now I hurriedly watched all the seasons, so I would be “caught up” when the new shows aired. I am now reading the first book. I still have a weak spot for Edward, but Stefan is breathing down his neck (pun intended). I have a weakness for the sweet, protective vampire, who still allows me to make my own decisions (because I’m stubborn that way). I’m not sure what has drawn me to these movies, because I don’t like the sight of blood. I’m still pondering the answer….maybe, I’ve been compelled 🙂


  20. Terri Parsons

    I love vamps immortality at a price concept. Love the reluctant vamps as well as the evil ones (not to mention all the ones in between LOL). Still love the books best since it is all imagination, but do love shows (True Blood, Forever Knight, Moonlighting, Vampire Diaries, Dark Shadows) and movies (The Hunger, Dracula (multiple versions), Love at First Bite)


    • Hi Terri…I totally agree. The world of vampires is so intriguing. I just can’t resist! Thank you for stopping by. You didn’t leave your email address, so if you could, that would be great so I can put you in the drawing. Take care!


  21. Lola O.

    I love how vampires are very strong and how almost all of them can be vulnerable at some point or time whether it has to do with their history or love or just dying by a stake. It’s really interesting how every author interprets vampires as either terrible and scary or loving and normal or both which can be really awesome. My favorite vampire has got to be either Damon or Klaus from the vampire diaries because of their hilarious sarcasm and pure evil moments. If I were to narrow it down though, it’d be Damon because he’s awesome in both the books and the show (which are incredibly different and now I’m just watching the show).
    Favorite Vampire Book: Night World 1
    Favorite Vampire Movie: Bloodrayne II: Deliverance
    Favorite Vampire Series: The Vampire Diaries, Blood +, and True Blood
    And I guess that’s enough answers to your questions!~ I’m a young adult.


    • Hi Lola…thank you for stopping by. I love your comments. Yes, Damon and Klaus…love them!!! They are deliciously bad yet they have their sensitive sides (Klaus’s are a little more rare) 🙂

      Good luck in the drawing. You didn’t leave your email address, so if you stop back by, be sure and leave it, so I can find you if I draw your name.


      • Lola O.

        Ahh.. Sorry.~
        Damon and Klaus are both deliciously evil. Klaus is just really fun to watch when he’s pissed off. Damon has a lot of breaking points that I guess make his character!~
        Anyways, Thank you.


  22. Ikelia Francis

    What do you love about Vampires?
    I love the strength, the sexiness, the confidence (my goodness) of Vampires, I love how they can so easily seduce someone whether it is sexual or not. The immortality of them is just so intriguing. And no one Vampire is the same! Each may have a power that comes with them, some don’t. I love how each Vampire story, movie, show etc., has there own interpretations of how one becomes a vampire, or if they can stand garlic or crosses; they way that they parish when staked, or hit by the sun. Its all very fascinating.
    Who is your favorite? (television, book, or movie vampire) Why? Eric Northman from True Blood hands down. I love him because he is confident and he doesn’t follow the rules. He is a bad boy and who doesn’t love the bad boy. I loved him even more when he lost his memory and got it back because the old Eric was still there, but then he had a new vulnerability that lingered from when he had his memory loss. He is extremely sexy, and incredible strong and not scared of anything.
    What is your favorite Vampire book? Movie? Television show? Interview with the Vampire is my favorite Movie, True Blood is my favorite TV show, my favorite Vampire Book is also the Sookie Stackhouse series aka True Blood.
    Have you ever been bitten by a Vampire? Would you like to be? Would you like to be turned or just used for Vampire sustenance? No. Yes I would love to be. I would like to be turned.
    For True Blood fans…if you could, would you be a Fang Banger? Only if I couldn’t be turned into a Vampire.


  23. So many good questions I don’t know what to answer! Firstly I just started rereading twilight for like the hundredth time last night so you post fits into my current mind frame. I wish I was bitten by a vamp! I don’t care which portrayal of a vampire I turn out to be. I want it all!! It’s the immortality that gets me. All immortal beings really. My first book is about Greek gods. If only they could bite, I’d write myself in there. 🙂


  24. Hi there! What a great comment competition and I like your site. 🙂

    I’ve been addicted to vampires since seeing The Lost Boys, so that answers your third question 😉 (I love the book as well as the movie, the book has a whole extra day in it that they cut out of the movie) and I have to say David, the leader of The Lost Boys, is my favourite vampire (although I have lots, so it’s very difficult to choose).

    What do you love about Vampires?
    I’m not sure what came first, my penchant for unusual eyes and otherworldly fangs, or my penchant for vampires, but they certainly go well together, so that would be my reason for loving the fangy ones on a purely surface level. However, going deeper, I think it’s the whole seductive side, the release of inhibitions that so often comes with vampire influence. Also, I’m a big fan of the whole ‘half-vampire’/ ‘victim slowly turning’ struggle plot lines, like Fright Night 2 and The Lost Boys, a good dose of angst and personal conflict is always a good watch/read.

    Have you ever been bitten by a Vampire? Would you like to be? Would you like to be turned or just used for Vampire sustenance?
    No, possibly and it depends on the genre of the vampire ;P


  25. Frosch

    What do you love about Vampires? Immortality! Would love to experience the passing & emergence of cultures and civilizations!

    Who is your favorite? (television, book, or movie vampire) Why? Lacroix in TV’s Forever Knight – he accepted who he was, had a devotion to his ‘children’, and still exhibited some degree of ‘human’ vulnerability.

    Have you ever been bitten by a Vampire? Nope!! Would you like to be? Appears to be somewhat ‘painful’!! Would you like to be turned or just used for Vampire sustenance? Definitely TURNED! I’m ‘too old’ to be sufficient ‘sustenance’!

    For True Blood fans…if you could, would you be a Fang Banger? In my younger days, DEFINITELY! Age has probably left me to be more of a voyeur!!


  26. II’ll have to say my own novel, “Immortal Relations” is my favorite vampire story. The book started when I found out that my own father had a tryst in Czechoslovakia right after WW-II. I was just a child then, but remember my mother saying things like, “He is over there with that women” and “They’ve had a child together.” Of course, my being just a child I didn’t know who she was talking about and she wouldn’t answer any of my questions, but I saw that what she was saying tramatized her (thus I remembered it). The second page of thet book has the picture that cemented the knowledge about his love for another women. After finding the picture and the note writen by “the other women” I couldn’t sleep and the story I wrote down came to me in what I will call a dream. After that it was like my hands typed the story on their own (I have bad arthritis and never knew I could type that fast). I’ve carried the story forward in my second book, “Immortal Relations, Love and War.” But I must warn you there is a lot of “explicit togetherness,” especially in the first book!


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