Deja Vu All Over Again & A Fun Interview with Ashantay Peters PLUS a GIVEAWAY

I am extremely pleased to introduce today’s guest. Ashantay Peters is a fantastic author, with whom I have had the pleasure of working with on several stories as her editor at The Wild Rose Press.

Today, I am interviewing Ashantay, and she is sharing her new release. Enjoy… 


Are there any tricks or habits you use when creating a story?

Do you mean other than sitting down at the keyboard and typing? Actually, come to think on it, I assemble jigsaw puzzles or make bead jewelry when I’m stuck on a plot point. Those two activities activate a different part of my brain, I guess, and I stop worrying about what’s not working in the book. When the weather is nice, I walk with a voice recorder, and more often than not, new ideas will pop up. Not from the bushes on the side of the road luckily–that would be scary!

What book have you read that you wish you had written?

Oh, way too many to list. I do have to end this post sometime, yes?  So instead of listing just one book, I’ll say I’d like to write like Jayne Ann Krentz! Both the novels written under that name and as Amanda Quick. Her books pull me in quick and keep me turning pages faster than a squirrel darting after peanut nuggets.

What do you want readers to come away with after they read Deja Vu All Over Again?

I write several different genres, but the one thing all my books have in common is humor. Our world is too filled with negativity, so my mission (and I did care to accept it, no “should” about it) is to give readers relief from stress in the form of laughter. I love to share smiles.

What genre have you never written that you ‘d like to write?

There are two genres I appreciate. First, Regency romance for the historical escape and second, science fiction/fantasy for the world building. I enjoy reading both genres, but understand I’m not ready to write either.  Doggone it. Maybe next year.

What celebrity would you most like to be stranded on an island with?

Carlos Santana. Yes, my tie-dyed hippie roots are showing.  I’d like to meet him because he holds fascinating spiritual beliefs. His life experiences run the gamut from growing up poor to traveling the world and meeting all kinds of other famous people. I think our conversations would be wide-ranging, and when we tired of talking, I’d be happy to listen to him play and sing!

Thank you for the fun interview, Ashantay. Hmmm, I keep hearing about Jayne Ann Krentz and I don’t think I’ve read her. I guess I need to remedy that.

Now, Ashantay has a question for you and she’s giving away a copy of her awesome book!


Who would you like to be stranded with – on an island, stuck in an elevator, in a desolate cabin during a snow storm – you choose! Or make up your own scenario. I want to hear names…fantasies…and what’s said here stays, well, on the Internet, so use discretion if you choose. But it’s more fun to let loose once in a while, isn’t it? I’ll be sending an electronic copy of my latest release, Déjà vu All Over Again, to a commenter.




Rock star Jack Reed has secrets. He’s kept his first marriage to a girl he met at Woodstock, and their son, under wraps for decades. Now his child has tracked him down wanting answers.

Former hippie Sally Ford never fully recovered from Jack’s betrayal of their family. She believes he put his career first then and will again, leading to another shattered ending.

Jack and Sally’s first meeting is combustible. Can they confront their past and overcome a history of deceit and manipulation to find peace and love?


         “And how is Sally, uh, I mean, your mother?” He wasn’t sure why he’d asked about a woman who’d torn out his heart, but too late to call back the words.

         “I call her Sally in public, Mom in private. Can’t remember how that got started but it works for us. She’s fine.”

         “She didn’t have a problem with us meeting?”

         “No, no, she’s fine.”

         Jack knew bullshit when someone spun it, and Carlos wove a blanket. He raised his eyebrows. “Really? I figured she’d fight this get-together.”

         “Nope.” Carlos chuckled. “Okay, she didn’t look happy, more resigned. Maybe a little scared.”

         She doesn’t want me around. I can get down with that feeling.

          “You’re not pissed with me or her, are you? For keeping quiet about my identity? The band hit crazy big on that first tour. She, we thought you’d be better off out of the spotlight.”

         Carlos tilted his head to the side, and Jack recognized Sally in the gesture. “I haven’t had time to digest the information. I guess you both had a good reason for the charade, and even though I’m not pressing now, I’ll want answers.”

         Icy fingers gripped his gut. “So my leaving did piss you off.”

         “Not totally.”

         Jack held on to his coffee cup with both hands, happy his son hadn’t walked out yet. Sure, he’d signed away his rights to Carlos, but Sally had been impossible to find after she’d left. She’d made it clear—through lawyers—that he’d only screw up their son, and he’d believed her.

        Then his actions had proved her right. 

Find the book at: The Wild Rose Press   Amazon 

About the Author


Ashantay Peters lives in the North Carolina mountains, the perfect location to escape into a well-written book. Her reading addiction also has her perusing magazines, newspapers, Internet articles and even food labels. The last is often feebly excused as an attempt to maintain health, but her friends know the truth.

Besides this sequel to Pipe Dreams, Ashantay has four romantic-suspense/mystery releases with The Wild Rose Press: Death Stretch, Death Under the Mistletoe, Death Rub, and Dickens of a Death.  She is at work on another book with an older heroine.

She loves to hear from readers and promises not to stalk anyone who contacts her.

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Filed under Author Blog Post, New Release

26 responses to “Deja Vu All Over Again & A Fun Interview with Ashantay Peters PLUS a GIVEAWAY

  1. Ashantay Peters

    Thank you for hosting me today, Ally! I so enjoy having you as my editor – your suggestions always improve my books!


  2. Ooh, tapping into my fantasies today, are we, Ashantay Peters? That’s dangerous ground. If I absolutely had to be stranded on an island, it would be in the Scottish Hebrides and I’d like to crash land with Ian Anderson of Jethro Tull fame. Oh, and when the doomed plane spits us out, could he please have his acoustic guitar?

    By the way, I read and loved “Deja Vu All Over Again”. It’s the perfect book for any of us who fell a little bit in love with the rock stars of our youth! Best of luck, Ashantay!


    • Ashantay Peters

      Thanks for stopping by, Laura – the Hebrides sound great! As long as it’s not January…and Ian would be a good buddy, also.


  3. Jannine Gallant

    Humor in books is huge! Also, this is a great cover. I need more coffee before I can think about deserted islands… Best of luck with sales!


  4. Fantasies? Well I guess if I was stranded I would choose between Peter Criss of KISS because I absolutely adore his voice. You know the new car commercial about the dad taking his boys out and his wife reminding him to pick up milk? Peter.
    And Justin Moore because, well, he’s down right sexy in those wranglers! Sexy and gorgeous and a voice I could, listen to all night.

    Good luck with this new baby Ashantay! Love that cover.


    • Ashantay Peters

      Thanks for your comments, Calisa! I never listened to KISS, and don’t have cable tv, but you’ve made me curious to hear Peter Criss’s voice!


  5. Hey, baby! Rock stars are my thing! Love the sound of this book! Yup, stranded on an island, a tropical island, with all the amenities of a big city—hey, it’s my fantasy!–and…although I love rock stars, I think I’d pick Stephen Amell from Arrow. He’s hot, strong, and flexible. What more would I need? (Oh, and he would have to be hypnotized so that he was in love with me and didn’t recognize our age difference. Yeah. That’s it.)


  6. Oops! I got so wrapped up in my fantasy I forgot to thank you for sharing and wish you the best for DEJA VU ALL OVER AGAIN!


  7. Leah St. James

    So sorry to be late! Great interview, ladies, and the book sounds terrific. First, I love the title. (I remember Yogi Berra saying it…I think?) And the cover is fantastic. I’ve always loved Carlos Santana’s music but I’ve never thought of being stranded anywhere with him. Interesting! For myself, I wonder if I’d be too star-struck and tongue-tied to feel comfortable around a celebrity. Need to think about this!


    • Ashantay Peters

      I wondered about being tongue-tied, and maybe that’s why I picked Carlos Santana. He seems so accessible. A gentleman. Thank you for commenting!


  8. I’m not entering the giveaway (I already have the book, and I’m the host), but of course, I have to share my ‘stranded’ fantasy. If you know me at all you know what I’m going to say (if we can choose anyone, living or dead), of course, my pick would be Elvis. He would sing to me and I would have him all to myself. If I get to choose the setting, we’d be stranded in a blizzard in a cabin. A fireplace…his gorgeous voice…his gorgeous face….sigh…. If we need to pick someone living, hmmm….it might have to be…Michael C. Hall. In his Dexter persona. Thanks again for a fun post!


    • Ashantay Peters

      You’re right! I should have said living or dead. Hmm. Nope, I’ll stick with my pick though I’m tempted, really tempted to choose again.


  9. Hi Alicia and Ashantay,
    First off–wanted to mention I first clicked on the Facebook link and it went to a DNS error page. I’ll find you from a Facebook search, but wanted toilet you know!
    Love the blurb and the excerpt. Your book is right up my alley for what I’m reading right now.
    So, my fantasy meet would be a musician, funny enough. I’d love to find myself stuck in an elevator with Jackson Browne. I “discovered” him way past his heyday, but love his work, his voice, etc. Not sure what I’d say or do. Probably melt. Lol not too juicy of a fantasy, eh?
    Good luck with Deja Vu All Over Again. It looks like a hit!
    Kimberly Keyes


    • Ashantay Peters

      Thanks for making the effort to find this post, Kimberly! Jackson Browne was supposed to be in Asheville last night, but his concert was postponed due to weather. I hope you get the chance to see him one day – alone or on the stage. LOL


      • Ashantay, rather than the link to this post on FB, I believe she means the FB link to find you, the one listed above. I copied and pasted the one you sent, but it isn’t a good link. I would find it myself, but I’m not sure if the one I found would be the right one. So, if you’ll post it in a reply, I’ll fix it. Sorry about that!


      • I’ve seen him perform twice. But I’ve never got up closed personal 🙂 Maybe it’s better that way. I wouldn’t want to meet him and have him burst my fantasy of him. lol Now, ELVIS on the other hand…(Wink, Alicia)


  10. Ashantay Peters

    Dang! My abject apology! I left off the “s” after http – here is the correct link:


  11. Ashantay Peters

    My magic choosing finger has stopped on the name M.J. Shiller as the winner of an electronic version Deja Vu All Over Again. Congrats! If you’ll e-mail me at the above addy, I’ll send the copy out to you today.


  12. First, I love your name. Makes me think of Enchantee (with the accent of course). Enjoyed the excerpt and certain I would love your book…takes me back to fond memories of my faux hippie days. 🙂 I’ve never relished the idea of being stranded on any island (I always envision them being circled by sharks), and when I think of my companion, unfortunately, they’re all dead. BB King, Elvis, Stevie Ray Vaughn, Marvin Gaye…but Carlos Santana would definitely be a good choice. And best of luck with “Deja Vu All Over Again”…I do believe that can be attributed to the Babe.


  13. Diane Burton

    Great interview. Like you, I wish I could write like Jayne Ann Krentz/Amanda Quick/Jayne Castle. And I love humor in what I read and write. Same reason as you–too much negativity in the world. It probably sounds corny, but if I had to be stranded somewhere, I’d like my Hubs to be with me. Together, we’d make it out. He’ll see the big picture while I’ll take care of the details. 🙂


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