“10 Moments that Changed My Life” by Liz Tyner – PLUS, her new release, THE NOTORIOUS COUNTESS

Please welcome my dear friend, Liz Tyner…


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 Ten (Mostly Unplanned) Moments that changed my life:

  1. I was too young to read, but my mom asked me to tell her a story. She wrote it down and said she would keep it with the “important papers.”
  2. My husband said he wanted to go to college—which also led to moment #3.
  3. At age twenty-five, I went with someone applying for a job, showed them how I thought the application should be filled out, and ended up working there twenty years.
  4. At twenty-six, because of #3, I had to put writing non-fiction articles aside, so I began a novel, which four years and 100,000 words later was a story with a sagging middle. My energy sagged. I soon stopped writing. As in “I quit. I do not want to do this anymore.”
  5. My husband said I needed a laptop computer. I didn’t think I did.
  6. Because #2 turned out well, and I didn’t like #3 particularly, I put in a job application somewhere else and ended up with more spare time.
  7. With #5 being so handy, I wrote a 60,000 word journal about violin lessons—which was another unplanned event in my life. (Yes, you can end up in a violin class without really planning to but that’s a long story—a 60,000 word one.)
  8. It snowed. Roads were bad. I started a writing a story thanks to #5, #6, and #7. I wrote four rough drafts of short novels in approximately a year.
  9. So now I really wanted a book published. The writer’s conference site in Nashville flooded after I’d signed up, and I ended up flying to the new conference location in Florida alone, which led to me deciding later to fly to NY with friends, and then back to NY—alone—and I’d never flown until after I was forty.
  10. Someone didn’t show up for their pitch appointment after I traveled to Atlanta for a writer’s conference, and I was in the right place at the right time, and met an editor from Harlequin who agreed to look at my historical romance…

Wow, Liz. Great stuff. What a series of seeming mishaps that turned into a blessing. 

Check out Liz’s book and the gorgeous cover!



“People must have something to talk about… And I do make for a good tale.” 

After escaping an unhappy marriage, Lady Riverton enjoys her notoriety among the ton…even if her reputation isn’t deserved. But when she’s caught in a most compromising position with Andrew Robson, for the first time the truth is even more scandalous than the rumors! 

And yet, in Andrew’s arms, Beatrice finds she’s no longer defined by her reputation and is free to be the woman she truly is. Is it time for Beatrice to trust in Andrew and end her reign of scandal once and for all?


                Sitting shoulder to shoulder, aware of every one of her curves, he forced himself to think of plans for Beatrice’s reintroduction into society.

                She turned her face to him. From the gentle brushes of movement at his side, he knew he need move only the barest amount and she would be in his arms.

                “I don’t think your sleep quite agreed with you,” she mumbled. “You look quite grim.”

                He nodded, aware of her fluid movements, confined by the seat, and yet she didn’t still. Her body moved constantly, checking its boundaries.

                She coughed and lost all seriousness. “Did you, um, think of me last night?”

                His thoughts jumped from her body to her words. “Of course.”

                Her shoulders wobbled and she managed to squeeze so close to him he braced himself not to be pushed out of the other side of the conveyance. Tickles of warmth moved from the place she touched to flood his entire body.

                Wide eyes blinked at him in feigned innocence. “I do have a place in the country. Except it’s rather crowded. My mother’s there.”

                “I was trying to think of ways you might impress the ton.

                “I did not think of that once after you left.” She moved closer to her side of the curricle. “They cannot be impressed by me. I assure you. They’ve spent too many teatimes murmuring about what has happened in my past.”

                Andrew slowed the horse.

                “Past. Present. The future. You must only think of the future now. I don’t believe anyone is really aware of the events of the night yet,” Andrew mused, “so I want us to be noted today. A pre-emptive move for when Tilly’s words are spread about.”

                He ignored the skepticism on her face. “Also you might adopt a worthy cause and pour yourself into it. A cause which shows your heart. With your ability to draw attention, you’ll gather print. At first people will be unimpressed, but over time you’ll gain acceptance. People are fascinated when others change from what is expected. Think of reformed rakes. Ordinary people into war heroes. Women who sacrifice for others. Those gather a lot of discussion.”

                “So you think to tame the Beast.”

                “I think for you to tame her,” he said. “Things have been exaggerated in your past and now you will merely control what is noticed and embellished.”

                She gave a distinctive grimace and touched the blue at her sleeve. “Not the carriage incident.”

                “You must also refrain from rolling your eyes in public, I suppose. And smirking. And using scissors.”

Fabulous excerpt! Sounds like a great read. Readers, you can check it out here:





Safe in My Arms—My First Book: Safe in the Earl’s Arms



Filed under 10 Moments that Changed My Life, Author Blog Post, New Release

12 responses to ““10 Moments that Changed My Life” by Liz Tyner – PLUS, her new release, THE NOTORIOUS COUNTESS

  1. It is interesting how one seemingly unconnected event affects those to come after. Loved the excerpt! Especially the end. Thanks for sharing and best wishes for THE NOTORIOUS COUNTESS!


  2. coryellsusan

    Love those unexpected moments in life that lead to heart-stopping change. You’ve had your share and made them work for your success. May it continue!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I enjoyed the way you linked the moments together- like telling a story. I also enjoyed the excerpt!


  4. pamelasthibodeaux

    Sorry I’m late commenting. Those ARE great moments!
    Congratulations on your new release.


  5. I love this excerpt! I’m going to goodreads right now and adding it to me to-read list 🙂
    Thanks for sharing.
    Kimberly Keyes



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