Author Lynda Kaye Frazier – Rescued from the Dark

Please welcome Lynda Kaye Frazier whose debut novel, Rescued from the Dark, has just released from Black Opal Publishing. Soooo exciting!

Thank you for being here, Lynda. Let’s get to the questions and learn a little about you.

What book have you read that you wish you would have written?

Twilight or Harry Potter of course.  🙂

Well, sure. Who wouldn’t?

What do you love that most people don’t like and wouldn’t understand why you do?

I really can’t think of anything quirky. I love coffee; really love coffee and going to the beach but so do others. I guess the only strange things my family can’t understand is that I love to drive. I could get in my car and drive for hours. Put in an audio book and I’m in heaven. I also put mustard on my steak. I do not like steak sauce, barbecue sauces, but I love mustard and horseradish sauce mixed. Great on steak or even chicken. 🙂

That actually sounds kind of good. I love horseradish. I’ll have to try that. Not a fan of the driving, although I will admit an audio book makes it bearable.

What’s the main thing that you could get rid of in your life that would give you more writing time?

My day job. I work in the medical field and love what I do, but I love writing more.

I totally get that.

What’s your favorite book of all time and why? What’s your favorite childhood book?

My favorite childhood book is by Dr. Seuss, All the places you shall go. Now favorite book of all time I don’t have just one. I read every day and each new book becomes one I add to my favorite list.

Yes, that is a tough question, I’ll admit. 🙂

What do you want readers to come away with after they read, Rescued from the Dark?

I want them to want more. This is the first in a series of eight. The series is called Guardian’s of Hope. It is about a group of eight men, made up of Special ops, Navy seals and FBI agents that form a group that the government sanctioned to do rescues they can’t, or won’t. I leave you with a HEA but it also gives you a little insight to what the next book will be about and who’s story it will be.

Hmmm. I want more already. Sounds great.

Would you rather have a bad review or no review?

No writer likes bad reviews but since I’m new if I get a bad one I want to make sure it’s from someone who actually read the book and why they didn’t like it. I review for magazines and read outside of the genre I prefer and can still like the story.  But there are serial reviewers that spend their days cutting books; I prefer to have no review if it’s from one of them.

I totally agree. I can accept criticism, but please make sure you’ve read the book first.

If you could change something about one of your books that’s already released, what would it be?

That’s easy, nothing. This is my first full length novel.  🙂

What genre have you never written that you’d like to write?

I write Romantic Suspense and have a contemporary I’m working on. I like to read sci-fi/shape shifters, books like that. I have an outline for one but not sure if I could actually write it. I have a hard time writing about different worlds, species, things like that. I can’t wrap my mind around it enough to get it to sound right.

It can be quite challenging. I’m not all that great at world building, but it’s a nice skill to have when writing paranormal.

If you were stranded on a deserted island and you could have 3 (inanimate) objects, what would they be?

Coffee, unending supply, kindle, and a magic bottle with an unending supply of wishes.

Uhm. I think that’s cheating. I’ll check with the judges. 😉

What celebrity would you most like to be stranded on an island with?

Too many to choose from, that’s where the gene bottle comes into play. I can change them as I get finished with them.

Gotta admit, it’s a good plan.

What is your favorite…

Movie: Too many to choose from. I love romance and suspense but will not see anything scary, horror or Zombies. I go to the movies every weekend. My kids say it’s for the popcorn.

Music: My iPod is filled with everything from classical to country. I’ll listen to anything as long as I can make out the words.

Place you’ve visited: Japan, their beaches are amazing.

Place you’d like to visit:  Hawaii

TV show from childhood:  Lost in space, Gilligan’s island

Food: Mexican

Sports team: College football teams, UT and LSU Schools my children attended

Which do you prefer: Board games/card games or television? Card Games, love poker 🙂

I’ll have to agree on the Mexican and Gilligan’s Island. Good choices. Thank you again for joinging me. It was fun chatting with you.  Now tell us a bit about your new release:

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She has no memory of their love…

Kidnapped by terrorists and sent into a drug-induced coma, FBI intern Mercedes Kingsley awakes with no memory of her ordeal—or the intimate interlude that left her pregnant. Convinced her child was fathered by her ex-fiancé, she walks away from the only man she has ever loved, determined to make things work with her ex, a man the FBI suspects is implicated in her abduction. 

He knows the truth, but no one will listen… 

FBI undercover agent Jason Michaels remembers what Mercy can’t and those memories are breaking his heart. Forced to keep his distance from his lover and their unborn child, Jason risks his life to protect Mercy from a cell of international terrorists who have vowed to get the secrets locked in her memory, no matter the cost. Can Jason convince Mercy to trust him until she remembers their past, or will he lose her to a man who will trap her in a nightmare world of darkness from which there is no escape?

E-book teaser: 

He had to get her out of there, but with all the drugs in her system, would she even remember who he was? 

Mercy was lying on the bed. Even in the dim light, he could tell she was pale. Her clothes were wrinkled and her shirt caked with what they forced her to eat. From the looks of the room she fought hard. Damn, he needed to get her out before the drugs took her from him.

“Mercy, wake up. Come on, open your eyes.” Nothing. She didn’t move. Okay, she’s not going to like this. “You need to wake up and take a shower, so let’s get both done at the same time.”

He took the chair into the shower and turned it on then went back to the bed. He picked up Mercy, and placed her under the fine mist of cold water. Just what she needed. He held her in the chair as the water flowed over her head, soaking her hair and drizzling down her shoulders. His back was pelted by the spray as he knelt in front of her, but he didn’t care. He shook her shoulders, and she stirred.

“Good, Mercy. Come on, open your eyes.” He struggled to hold her slippery, wet body in the chair. The T-shirt was soaked and her thin bra could not hide the effects of the cold water. He clenched his jaw tight at the thought of never being able to touch her, love her. She has to remember him, remember them. She struggled against his hold as she started to wake. “I’m not letting you up until you open your eyes. Come on, look at me.”

Her eyes flew open. They were filled will fear and confusion as she frantically searched the room. Then her head dropped and their eyes met and he knew.


An explosion ricocheted behind Jason Michael’s eyes as the pressure mounted in his head. The rush of panic consumed him. He struggled to move, tried to swallow, but nothing. His throat burned as the flames engulfed his lungs. He needed to breathe but couldn’t. Shit. He strained to make out the muffled voice, but the pounding in his ears erased all hope. His head started to spin and he succumbed to the realization, this was it, the end. He won. The flames dampened and his heartbeat slowed as the drums subsided, then the voice became clear.

“Give it to him now you son of a bitch. What were you thinking? We still need him.”

In a split second, Jason sucked in a breath, causing stabbing pains to shoot through his chest. Every muscle fiber burned as the cold blast of air shot through his lungs releasing the oxygen his body craved. He arched his back, raising his chest up to pull in more air when his head snapped to the side and the crack from his neck echoed in his ears. The pain ripped through his jaw, racing across his cheekbone. Before he could gather his senses, intense burning set his face on fire. What the hell?

The slap against his cheek stung, and his eyes snapped open. He wrenched upright, hitting his head on the roof of the SUV. His gaze darted back and forth looking for something familiar until he locked onto the ice-cold stare of the devil himself, Shaun Flanagan.

Damn, that was close. Jason could not blow his cover, even if it meant he would die as David Logan and not Jason Michaels.

“You’re finally awake, my boy. We almost lost you,” Shaun cold, emotionless laugh caused Jason’s blood to boil. “You stopped breathing, I think. It’s hard to tell with this new stuff. I hope you’re not too injured. We’ve got work to do.”

Jason’s vision blurred, but his other senses were sharp. Shaun had known exactly what the drug would do and the burn in Jason’s throat was a harsh reminder. Shaun’s sarcastic tone spoke volumes to him. He was evil and did not play by anyone’s rules but his own. Jason had spent the last two months undercover, playing their games and doing their dirty work to buddy up tight to this family. He’d earned his spot with Thomas Flanagan, but his son Shaun had issues trusting anyone, even his own father.

Jason’s anger burned inside of him, but he couldn’t afford to make mistakes, not now. He was too close. It’s time to step it up, but first the drugs had to stop. He rubbed his aching jaw with one hand, clenching his other into a fist to hide his visible shaking. He had to get control of this game before he lost everything.

Buy Rescued from the Dark:

Amazon   Barnes and Noble

Find Lynda at…


Twitter-  lynda_kaye 

Amazon Author page:




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17 responses to “Author Lynda Kaye Frazier – Rescued from the Dark

  1. janninegallant

    What a terrific premise to your book – plenty of suspense there! Love the cover. Best of luck with sales, Lynda.


  2. It’s nice getting to know more about you, Lynda. Best wishes with your new release!
    -R.T. Wolfe


  3. I love getting to know more about other authors. Good luck with your sales. Great interview.


  4. Love the desert island choice and great excerpt.


  5. Hi, Alicia & Lynda,

    Great interview. Your book sounds like a fab read, Lynda! Best luck with sales. 🙂


  6. Great interview. I’m with you, Lynda, about movies & Mexican food. LOL


    • Thanks Diane. They are my two loves and I actually found a theater in Texas where I could eat Mexican food during the movie. It was great. A dinner theater. But we don’t have one here so I will just be happy with popcorn. Thanks for stopping by.


  7. Thanks for having me here today Alicia. Your site is amazing and your an awesome host.


    • Hi Lynda,
      I’m so glad you like my site. I’m very happy with it. The girl who created it did a phenomenal job. You’re more than welcome. You are a fantastic guest, and I’m thrilled to host you. You are getting lots of comments…way to go!

      Thanks all, for stopping by and checking out Lynda’s release. It does look great, doesn’t it?


  8. Jessica Subject

    Congrats on your debut release, Lynda! The story sounds so intriguing! I admire that you like to drive. I can drive as long as I have music and am chewing gum so I don’t grind my teeth. But when I arrive at my destination, I’m exhausted. Going to have to try audio books when I have to go somewhere by myself. 🙂

    All the best and many sales to you!


  9. I loved Lost in Space! My husband and I often quote from it, usually something like, “Danger….danger, Will Robinson.” 🙂 Wishing you tons of luck with the book. Sounds like a great story!


  10. Oh great. Now I’m craving horseradish. LOL. Great post! This sounds like a terrific story. Good luck and congrats on your new release!


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